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As the weeks go by Lena is slowly gaining control over her powers with the help of Kara and Alex. Today they're at the DEO having another exam done on the baby. Lena is currently laid back on an exam table while Alex runs the ultra sound over her growing abdomen. "Well it looks like everything's right on track. You're currently about six months along...or four months for human pregnancy standers. However this being a kryptonian human pregnancy it will be drastically shortened. Now let's take some blood." Alex said as she readied a needle.

A little while later Lena and Kara received the results of Lena's tests. "Well everything looks great! Lena...you're slowly becoming kryptonian however...by the end of this pregnancy you'll be a full kryptonian like Kara is." Alex said. "Really? Is that a good thing?" Lena asked. "Well you'll be indestructible by the end of all this. And any future children you have will be full kryptonians too." Alex said. "Um...can you give us a moment alone?" Kara asked. "Of course." Alex replied.

Once Alex left the room Kara sat next to Lena on the bed and just held her in her arms. "You ok Lee?" Kara asked. "Yes. Is it a lot to take in? Obviously. But I'm definitely ok knowing that I won't get sick anymore and will be able to indestructible in a sense." Lena replied. "And our future kids will be all indestructible too, and they won't ever get sick." Kara adds trying to lighten the mood. "Yea..that's another advantage. Gah...I'm gonna be able to complete my work in minutes now...I'll be able to spend more time with you and our children this way." Lena said with a smile.

"Well, that will be a wonderful thing. Are you ready to go home?" Kara asked. "Yes, let's go tell Alex we're heading out." Lena replied with a smile.

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