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Later that evening everyone had calmed down after finding out the news. Lena and Kara were in the midst of dominating the board game they had begun playing. "Soooo...what did you two run off to talk about earlier?" Sam asked as she sipped her wine. "Our engagement party next month!" Kara exclaimed. "WHAT!" Alex and Sam yelled out at the same time. "Kidding! That won't be happening for a while yet. And when it does I'll be the one who purposes first!" Lena stated with a smirk. "Oh really? You think that all you want Lee! You know it'll be me who does it first!" Kara retorted. "Game on Danvers!" Lena replied with a smirk. "Oh indeed it is on Luthor!" Kara replied.

"Let's make this more interesting...whoever gets to pop the question first gets to pick where they go on honeymoon!" Sam exclaimed. "Ohhh and they get to pick the venue and the food!" Alex chimed in happily. Lena looked at Kara, both wore smirks on their faces as they shook hands sealing the bet. "Now..who wants more wine?" Lena asked. "I'm good, Al?" Sam asked. "Same here..we should really get going though...it's getting late." Alex added as they stood up and got ready to say their goodbyes.

Once they were alone again Kara and Lena found themselves curled up together on the sofa watching Jane the virgin wrapped up in a blanket. "Today was fun." Kara cooed. "Yes it was, although I am a little biased because everyday with you by my side is fun." Lena replied. "Lee...do you think our children will have powers?" Kara asked. "What do you mean? How would they have powers? Last I checked two women cant make a baby...unless there's a way you're not sharing with me yet.." Lena asked arching an eyebrow at the blonde. Kara looked at her for a moment before speaking. "Well...there is this way to do it...but it's awkward...and it'd cause me to grow something..." Kara replied with a sigh. "Grow something? What the hell does that mean?" Lena asked curiosity taking over.

Kara sat up now and looked at her girlfriend. "It's this thing in the fortress of solitude. It's this liquid I'd drink to grow a penis...it was something my parents created to help the women who fell in love on Krypton. One would drink it, grow a penis and they could reproduce." Kara explained. Lena's eyes were wide open with shock. "What? Are you joking? You could grow a...a penis!" Lena exclaimed. "Well yes..if you wanted to have kids that shared both our DNA that is. If you're not comfortable with that we can always adopt. Or use sperm donors or something." Kara replied shrugging her shoulders. "Can you even get pregnant? By a human I mean..." Lena asked. "I'm not sure...but we can take our time and think about this. I can always take you to the fortress and get the formula so you can study it if you want too as well." Kara explained. "Yea..I think I'd like to run some tests on it before you drink it and grow a penis." Lena replied.

"Ok then tomorrow we'll go get it. But right now let's go to bed and relax. I can see your mind racing Lee, come on darling, I know how to get you to relax." Kara said as she scooped her up in her arms and carried her to the bedroom.

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