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Over the next couple of days Lena and Kara moved Kara's things into the penthouse before Lena made the call to end the lease months early. "Is this it?" Lena asked. "Yea! Everything else was here when I moved in." Kara replied as they loaded the last box into the suv. "Great! Let's go shall we?" Lena asked as they climbed in the back of the vehicle letting the driver know they were done. A few hours later everything was unpacked and put away in the penthouse. "It looks more homey now!" Lena cooed as they hung up some pictures they took together on the walls. "Indeed it does." Kara agreed as she sank into Lena's arms. "Home." They said together as they sat on the sofa.

A few hours later they were startled by the phone ringing. "Hello? Hey Alex...oh...um that's cause I move in with Lee just now. Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! Yea come on over." Kara stated. Meanwhile Lena was on her phone getting chewed out by Sam for not telling her that Kara had moved in. "Alex coming over?" Lena asked. "Yea...Sam too?" Kara asked. "Yep...we forgot to tell them..." Lena sighed. "Good thing I'm bulletproof! I'll be your personal shield don't worry Lee." Kara replied with a smirk just as the elevator dinged alerting that someone was there.

Fuming from their ears Sam and Alex stepped off the elevator together and marched over to the smiling women. "You! And You! When were you planning on telling us?" Alex demanded. "Later..." Kara replied. "Later? Later!?!? You should have told us immediately!" Sam demanded. "Hey now! Don't be poking the girlfriend! She's delicate! And I'm the only one who gets to poke her!" Kara exclaimed. "Ok! First off YUCK! Second off..you really should have told us!" Alex stated. "We know we should have, and we planned on having you all here for dinner tonight..." Lena replied with a smile from behind Kara's body. "Oh...well since we're here why not order out then." Sam suggested. "Ok!" Everyone chimed in.

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