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Kara was gone from the bed when Lena woke up the next morning. There was a note on the blondes pillow telling her there was a supergirl emergency. Lena sat up and sighed. "Well we've been lucky this far without a supergirl emergency...you'll get used to it sweetheart. Momma's got two jobs that need her attention." Lena cooed to her stomach. After using the restroom she makes her way to the kitchen to make some breakfast for herself.

Meanwhile Kara is busy hauling some alien into the DEO. "Is there anything else Alex?" Kara asked. "Nope go back home." Alex said as Kara shut the cell door. "Ok! See you later for girls night in." Kara said before she left. Kara quickly flew off the balcony and headed directly to their penthouse. Landing softly on their balcony she smiles to herself as she sees Lena sitting at the table eating breakfast while looking at the newspaper. It seems a bit old fashioned to be reading a newspaper when most news is on the internet now, but Lena likes the paper copy. "Well theres the love of my life!" Kara says with a smile as she steps inside. "Kara! You're home!" Lena exclaimed happily as she rushed over to the blonde pulling her into a hug. "I missed you too. Did you get my note?" Kara asked. "Yes. Thank you for that. Are you hungry? I made a large stack of pancakes." Lena replied.

"I am hungry...I burned a lot of calories taking in the alien I had to fight." Kara replied. "Oh? What happened?" Lena asked. "He was trying to rob a liquor store...he didn't want to leave and well we began fighting." Kara said. "Well I'm glad you're ok and he's locked up. How bad is the liquor store?" Lena asked. "They'll need a new wall but they were grateful for my help." Kara said as she put a stack of pancakes on her plate. "That's good! Are Alex and Sam still coming by for girls night?" Lena asked.

"Yea, they'll be here. Alex said she'd order Chinese for everyone unless you weren't up to it." Kara said. "I think I'm ok having Chinese." Lena replied with a smile. After breakfast they headed back to their room to get ready for the day. "You go ahead and get in the shower I'm gonna get out of my suit." Kara said. Lena nodded and smirked before heading into the shower.

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