blood red wine

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POV: Evane

How could she live in such a disgusting place?

It was a dark concrete block that just looks grimy and old. I pay her enough to live in luxury yet she lives in such a horrid and grotesque place. If she weren't so desperate to get home and away from me I would have dragged her to my house instead.

I even have the perfect place for her to sleep. She'd love her room, but I can't show it to her yet. I want to have some of her trust first before carrying out my plan.

All I can do for the meantime is add final touches to the room and keep an eye on her from a distance. Her working from early until late makes it a lot easier for me to keep an eye on her and interact with her.

She gets extremely shy whenever everyone else is in the office eavesdropping on us so having some time where it's just us in the office is nice. That lift ride with her was nice, especially since she tried to make conversation, even if she was just trying to be polite.

I hadn't intended when I approached her to drive her home but I did. I don't know her issue with cars and driving, but I know she can't drive herself. The thought of her getting into a disgusting taxi or Uber with a dirty stranger angers me. I hate the idea of her beautiful body being contaminated by such a disgusting thing as someone else's car.

Everything about me is kept clean and if I had her, I would ensure none of her was ever dirty or unkempt. She would be spoilt beyond her wildest dreams as long as she was mine.

"Evane! Are you even listening?" My mother snaps as I drift into another fantasy about my girl.

"Not in the slightest, mother," I smirk back.

I love frustrating my mother, and it isn't a difficult thing to do. She gets overly involved in my life so whenever I don't do what she expects of me she gets really pissy about it.

I think right now she's going on again about me finding someone but I just sip at my blood red wine and keep ignoring her as she keeps on rambling. Something about me needing to find a mate and her wanting seven grandkids or something.

We both want that for me.

I want my mate and I want a tonne of kids, and I want my mate to bear them all for me. I'd love and pamper her as much as she could desire or need, and I would gladly fuck her as much as she or I please.

Little does my mother know I already have someone, I just need to capture and train her to obediently be mine.

"Trust me, mother," I interrupt her as she keeps rambling about wanting grandkids. "There's someone I have in mind."

"You can't just pick a mate, Evane!" She scolds, saying it like I'm stupid. "Your soul picks one for you. It finds someone with the perfect scent and taste and body for you. You can't just pick someone out."

"I know, mother," I sigh, taking a swig of my wine, finding the taste lacking something.

It's designed to taste like blood since vampires don't have the ability to taste much except the tang of blood. Even so, we can taste the difference in bloods. Each person has a unique flavour and each species a seperate taste.

Different wines made for vampires have different flavours since not every vampire likes the same taste, but no matter which I try it just doesn't taste right. I know she would have the perfect taste for me, I just need the chance to sink my fangs into her so that I can try her.

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