she's sick

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Yeah, this part gets quite fucked up so be warned!

POV: Addie

Today Evane's brother is meant to be coming round to visit. I don't know when, but he's meant to at some point today.

I honestly thought Evane would have cancelled today though because she has been seeming really ill. She's been locking herself in the bathroom a lot and whenever I do see her around the house she looks really pale and has been keeping a wide distance between herself and me.

I asked her this morning if she was hungry because she's been looking concerningly thin and sickly, but she refused and went off to her room again. She's been hiding out in her room a lot and she's really scaring me.

She kidnapped me and hasn't done anything other than feed me, wash me and care for me while keeping me imprisoned in her bland house. What was the point in taking me? She can't seriously have done all of this without wanting more from me.

I walk up to Evane's bedroom door, knocking on it because I want to make sure she's doing okay. I might not like her in the slightest but she's the only one that knows where I actually am. From what I've seen we're in the middle of the countryside so she's the only one that knows the way back towards the city.

"Hey, Evane?" I call through her bedroom door. "Are you feeling alright? Your brother's coming around later, remember? Do you really feel okay enough to meet him today?"

She doesn't answer any of my questions making me wonder if she's passed out in her bed.

A little apprehensive, I knock again to check for a response before opening the door, calling for her when I can't see her immediately.

Bambi scampers up beside me, panting as he looks up at me, his tail wagging until he look forward into Evane's room. His tail drops between his legs and his ears that had almost completely perked up fall as he hides behind my legs. He lets out a high whimper before starting to growl into the room, still hiding behind my legs.

That's odd...he never growls.

Even more nervous than I was before, I step further into Evane's room, searching for her anywhere. I know she went in her room so she must be in here somewhere.

"Evane? Where are you?" I call into the darkness. The only light is coming from the door I opened and with most of her room being black it makes everything feel even darker.

"Evane, where are you? You're scaring me," I call out, trying my best to convince her to let me know where she is.

As I step into the middle of her room, Bambi remaining by the door just whimpering, wanting me to leave the room, arms suddenly wrap around my waist pulling me back as warm and heavy breath hits the back of my neck.

Evane's fingers dig into the sides of my waist as she breathes heavily. I can feel her hair tickling the back of my neck as it falls around he face.

She doesn't say anything and the only sounds are her heavy breathing and Bambi's soft growling mixed with whimpers. It's all kind of difficult to hear over my own heartbeat though.

"Uh, Evane, are you okay?" I mutter, gently trying to pry her fingers away from my waist as her nails start to dig in to me.

"Just relax, kitten..." She murmurs against my neck.

"What?- Ah!" I gasp as Evane nips at the skin on my shoulder, sucking harshly and licking at my skin while digging her nails into my waist, ensuring I stay still as her arms stay firmly wrapped around me.

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