bubble bath

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POV: Adeline

I'm in too much pain to move.

My period hit so suddenly and because I have no idea of what day it is I didn't know that it was getting closer to the time when it usually strikes.

The pain is making me feel sick and I can barely move. To make me feel even worse, Evane has everything I could ever want or need except anything to deal with a period. She doesn't even have a packet of ibuprofen tablets I could take to numb the agonising pain I'm in.

Bambi softly nudges my face as he realises I'm awake, letting out a quiet whine as if asking if I'm okay. He can tell I'm not acting right and I'm kind of ignoring him, but it's only because I have basically no energy or strength to move.

Glancing over him, my eyes catch the time on the clock.

It's only midnight?

I've barely managed to get any sleep. A few hours at most, but it took a while for me to actually get to sleep since my cramps kept waking me up whenever I started to drift off, so it's probably less.

I'm debating going to Evane's room to ask her for any pain medications she might have or things I could use to not make such a mess over my sheets. She's a woman so she should also have something to help with her periods, right?

With the thought of her in my mind, the door to my room slowly opens, Evane definitely trying to be quiet as she enters my room, the crinkling of plastic packaging giving her away.

"Evane?..." I grumble, barely having the energy to get my voice out.

"Oh. You're awake," she says in a hushed tone. "Are you feeling okay?"

All I can do is grumble and close my eyes, too tired to do anything else or properly answer her question with words. Evane seems to infer that my answer is an affirmative no.

"I'm sorry that I didn't have anything ready for you. I completely forgot," she apologises, but I don't have the energy to care. "I didn’t know what you like to use so I bought quite a lot."

All I can do is listen as she turns on the light in the bathroom and organises all the stuff she must have bought for me. I hope she got some painkillers with all of that stuff.

Evane returns to the side of my bed a few minutes later, requesting me to sit up. When I can't, not even managing to grumble to tell her I can't, she moves to sit on my bed, helping me sit up.

"Open your mouth, please," she softly demands, patiently waiting until I muster the strength to do so.

She places two white pills onto my tongue, placing a glass of water against my lips, tipping it slowly until the water trickles into my mouth, helping to wash down the two pills. When the whole glass is gone, she places it down on my bedside cabinet, assisting me to lay down again.

"What were those?" I ask, even though it's probably too late to really ask that.


I grumble and go back to being curled up, now waiting for the Ibuprofen to kick in and start doing it's job to numb the pain my cramps are giving me.

"Do you want a warm bath to clean up a little bit?" She offers, stroking my hair which I don't like but I don't have the energy to brush her hand away.

"With bubbles?" I ask, earning a small chuckle from Evane before she agrees, getting off the edge of my bed to run my warm bubble bath.

It might be late but the warmth from the bath should help with the pain and discomfort, as well as letting me clean up a little bit. I feel horrible for staining the sheets but I have literally no way of dealing with it.

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