blood donor

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POV: Evane

"So? How is she doing?"

"You ask that every time I come over," Connor sighs.

"I still want to know, especially since she's getting therapy now. How's that going?"

He freezes, concerning me that her therapy isn't going well. It better not be making her feel worse about herself. She's been through a lot so I've been concerned since Connor told me she'd started getting therapy that facing all of it might make her feel worse about it.

"How is it going?" I repeat, lowering my voice and I watch him swallow hard. "Is it going badly? Does she not like her therapist? Are they making her feel worse?-"

"She's fine. Just struggling a little since, well, she got a couple of diagnosis that she's trying to accept," Connor says as he runs his fingers through his hair, looking like he almost wants to tug it out of his scalp.

"What are the diagnosis?"

He pauses before sighing and looking at me.

"She has PTSD and Stockholm Syndrome."

I freeze as I hear her diagnosis.

I know that the Stockholm syndrome is almost entirely my fault. I did kidnap her and cause her to rely on me to the degree where she did basically nothing for herself. Some of her PTSD might also be from me, but she's been through a lot before me that meant she had a lot of triggers I had to be weary of.

Before I can open my mouth to say more, Connor stops me, continuing to speak instead.

"I know not all of it is your fault, but the Stockholm most certainly is," he scolds, and I lower my eyes.

I already figured that out myself.

"How's she taking the news?"

"It's hit her hard, but she's slowly coming to terms with it. Now you. Eat," he commands, chucking a small blood bag at me.

It's smaller than the other ones he usually brings. Is this his way of punishing me for giving Adeline Stockholms?

I don't complain and open it, sighing before starting to drink it, pausing as I find the taste far different to what I'm used to. The blood bags he usually gives me never taste this good.

Connor carefully watches me as a frown covers my brows and I savour the flavour for a moment, trying to figure out what is so different about this blood bag. Maybe there's some other reason why it's so small.

Is this some new artificial blood? Some specific and rare blood type I haven't tried before?

Either way it tastes really good and makes me wish it was a bigger portion. I want more of it. It's hitting the craving I've had since meeting Addie and figuring out the she was my mate. The one I'm meant to be with.

"How is it?" Connor asks, sitting opposite me as he watches my expression change while I try to figure out why this blood tastes so much better than what I'm used to.

"It's Adeline's."

My mind completely pauses to process what he just said, but it makes sense. No one else's blood would ever taste this flavourful to me. It has a wonderful tang yet it's sweet too. The whole load of flavours dances on my tongue and I don't don't mind if the portion is small - I don't need a lot.

Just a few drops and I'm satisfied. Knowing it's hers I almost don't want to drink it all now. I know that would mean starving myself again but I don't want to drink it all now. I want to savour it for as long as I can since I don't know when I'll get to taste this again.

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