pushed patience

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POV: Evane

My kitten is doing so well.

It's been a few days since we picked Bambi up from the vets and she's doing much better. She's less argumentative with me and is eager to help. The only thing that we've argued about a little this week has been her trying to take Bambi to her room when she's sleeping.

I know she likes to cuddle him while she sleeps and he snuggles back, but with his cone on and his constant wriggling I don't like having him in her bed when she's trying to rest. He should sleep in his own bed, not hers.

Right now though, he's curled up on the floor inside the little pen I made for him to keep him contained while he plays in the living room. Adeline is sat on the couch wrapped in a fluffy blanket watching another film on Netflix, completely unaware of me staring at her from the kitchen.

I'm starving.

With her here I haven't been able to stomach anything so I've been basically starving myself for almost a month straight and it's killing me. Her scent is making me mad but I'm trying not to lose control and bite her.

I just need some space, which means I need to somehow break the news to her that I need to go back to work.

She isn't going to be pleased being left alone and, with all honesty, I don't trust her to be alone in the house, but I need some distance between us as much as I know it'll stress me out not having her nearby.

I have the cameras if I really need to watch her.

I take some deep breaths to calm my heart as I watch my kitten peacefully minding her own business on the couch, looking much more comfortable. I don't really want to disturb her but I need to tell her.

As I let out a loud sigh, I accidentally catch Adeline's attention. She leans over the back of the couch after pausing the TV, watching me closely and with her adorable, curious eyes. She's so cute and I don't want to see that curious look exchanged for an upset one.

"Evane," she calls to me as I get lost in my thoughts again. "Can you wash my hair?"

I actually forgot that she needed to wash her hair soon, but I didn't think it was today. Her hair shouldn't be greasy yet. I washed it only a couple days ago for her.

Seeing my frown, Addie calls to me again to grab my attention, starting to pout when I still don't answer her. She's really starting to figure out how to get what she wants from me with just a pouty bottom lip. Or maybe she's clueless about what she does to me and is just getting more confident asking for what she wants and being herself.

Either way, seeing her pouty lip melts my heart and I can't refuse her request. It's just washing her hair. I can tell her afterwards.

My sigh tells her all she needs to know and she gets up from the couch, leaving her blanket behind to skip towards her room and her bathroom. I follow her into her room, complaining at myself for being such a pushover for her.

I just can't say no to my mate.

I walk into the bathroom to find Addie struggling to undo the back of her dress. She lets out a huff as she get annoyed, groaning and turning around for the door, probably to go find me to help her, not realising I'm stood in the doorway watching her.

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