resting in her bed

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POV: Evane

"Oh, fuck!...Ah, Evane..."

"God...keep moaning my name like that...fuck," I moan as I thrust into her, adoring the feeling of her clenching around me, getting closer to her climax by the second.

Her face is so beautiful contorted in pleasure and pain blended together as I fuck her, watching the tears stream down her cheeks that have flushed red. She pants and moans with each deep thrust into her body that each hit her most sensitive spots.

Her nails dig into my back, definitely drawing blood, as I fuck her sensitive body. I love hearing her moans. Her beautiful moans that I never want to end.

The beautiful sound only gets louder as she arches her back and her orgasm ripples through her, tensing around my hard dick as I slow down to help her through it. Her nails dig in to my back even more as her legs shake and her cum flows out of her around my dick, dripping onto the sheets of our bed.

"Ah...fuck, Evane," she pants as her body goes limp and I slip out of her, accidentally brushing against her sensitive clit and making her moan again.

"Sorry, darling," I mutter in her ear as I roll over to lay beside her and cuddle her, stroking her shaking body as she comes down from her high. "Are you feeling okay?"

She nods, tiredly laying against me.

"I loved it...Evane. My wonderful mate..." She softly smiles, and reaches back, running her fingers through my hair. "I love-"

"Evane! Fucking get up," Connor yells at me.

I roll over in bed, hiding my face under the sheets and burying it in Addie's plush toy that is still coated with her scent.

I dreamt of her again. I do every night.

It's been a couple of days since Connor took Addie away and I know he and his girlfriend have been taking great care of her at their place, but I miss her so much. I've been staying in her room and cuddling with all the plush toys I got her just to be close to her scent and to feel like she's still around.

Connor has been coming round for the past few days to make sure I've been eating again and that I've been taking care of myself to get back to normal, never telling me when I can see her again.

I know she needs her space to heal and recover after what I did, but I just want to see her. Just for a minute.

I won't stalk her and I won't break into their house to see her, but I still want to see her. The only things that have really been stopping me is that I've had her scent everywhere to cling onto and Connor constantly visiting to keep me in check.

"You're in her bed again?" Connor asks as I curl tighter around the soft plush toy shaped like a chubby cat and take a deep breath of her scent that has stuck on it since she left, probably because it was one of her favourites to hug when she didn't have Bambi in her bed to cuddle.

"So what? It's not like she's sleeping in it any more," I grumble into the plush.

"Get out of your hole of self-pity, already," Connor sighs, getting sick of hearing me grumble and groan about not having Adeline around any more.

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