starting to accept it all

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POV: Adeline

God, I'm tired.

I've slept all night in a comfortable bed and I've felt safe the whole time, yet I'm still exhausted.

Bambi has been cuddled in my arms all night and has seemed very content and calm in this house. He didn't like Evane so he's probably pleased that I'm no longer around her and he doesn't feel the need to be so protective.

I pet him and kiss the top of his head as I slowly wake up, knowing that trying to sleep anymore is pointless because it won't make me feel any better. I'm not going to feel any more rested. I'll probably just feel more tired.

My stomach lets out a loud growl making even Bambi stir and give me a concerned look. I didn't eat last night - I didn't have the appetite for it - but now I'm starving.

Mia said it was okay for me to get food whenever I wanted it, though I still feel weird helping myself to the things in their home, even if Mia and Connor have welcomed me in.

Glancing at the clock, I think it's late enough in the morning that at least one of them will be downstairs. As my stomach grumbles again, I force myself to sit up and slip out of bed, helping Bambi down off the bed so that he can walk by my feet as I step out of the bedroom they're letting me stay in.

I adjust the shorts Mia gave me since even when I tighten them they're still loose and keep dropping low around my hips.

I tie the string tighter around my waist as I go downstairs, a little lost because this house is massive but I manage to find my way to the kitchen, finding Mia and Connor sat around in the kitchen scrolling on their phones and eating their breakfasts.

"Adeline!" Mia smiles, putting her phone down as she sees me standing by the door into the kitchen. "Are you hungry for some breakfast?"

I nod, my voice stuck in my throat.

As Mia starts going through all my options I can't help but notice how Connor is staring at me as if he has a tonne of questions he wants to ask and there's so much he wants to say. But he doesn't make a move to say it.

I turn my attention back to Mia as she directs me to the cereals, the milk, fruits and bread to make toast. All I can manage is a nod to thank her, struggling to make up my mind on what I want.

Evane has been the one deciding what I've been eating for almost two months now so it's kind of difficult to decide what I want now, especially with so many choices.

I walk further into the kitchen and look around trying to decide what I want. My appetite isn't massive but I don't really want something different to what I've gotten used to.

What's the closest to what I usually have?

I grumble and select a cereal that seems close enough to what Evane's house had - frosted cornflakes. They're fine. Not my favourite but there aren't any others that I'd prefer here so I'll have to settle for it.

After getting myself a small serving and sitting down at the small dining table with a spoon, Mia sits beside me, her attention on Bambi as he lingers around my feet.

He knows I'm not okay or back to normal yet, and as much as he knows this house is much safer for me and him, so he is still a little on edge and protective.

Mia reaches down to try and pet him, holding her hand out for him to sniff first, looking very disappointed when he doesn't let her and moves away to sit on the other side of me. He settles down as rests his head on his paws while I try to stomach some food, immediately feeling queasy after one mouthful.

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