not yet forgiving

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POV: Adeline

It's not so bad here.

The food is good. Mia and Connor are really nice to me and really caring. Mia even took me out shopping for my first time in months to get me my own clothes rather than wearing hers that don't really fit me.

It was nice going out for a little bit. I was surprisingly stressed the whole time and got very overstimulated with all the people after only being around Evane for nearly two months. Mia was very patient though and let me sit in a quiet place in the mall to calm down before we continued shopping.

My new clothes are really comfy to lounge in when I'm watching TV or playing outside with Bambi.

Mia definitely likes playing with Bambi so we're out in the garden a lot, and she pampers him more than I do. He's still more fond of me but she's trying to make friends with him.

"Come on, Bambi," Mia squeaks, waving a toy in his face as he lays on the grass next to me, completely unamused.

"I think he's a bit too tired to play," I chuckle, petting between his ears as her shoulders drop in defeat.

"Alright, then," she sighs, throwing the toy aside. "Do you want to go back inside?"

"No. I'm enjoying the sun and fresh air too much to go back inside just yet."

Mia nods and looks back at the grass behind her before laying down. She places her arms under her head as she stares up at the sky. I copy her and watch the clouds float by, feeling Bambi rest his head on my stomach.

He's been much calmer without Evane around but my mind can't get off her. I want to know if she's doing okay. I know i shouldn't be worrying about her after what she did to me, but a strong part of me just wants to see her to see if she's doing alright.

I asked Connor to tell me when he gets back but I don't know if he will. He wasn't pleased with Evane and even after I started accept the whole mate thing he has been refusing to tell me how she's doing.

He should be back soon so I can ask again, even though I know I'm annoying him by asking so much. He only stays at Evane's in the mornings and late in the afternoon, and today he doesn't need to go to work, or so Mia tells me, so I can really pester him until he tells me.

"What are you girls doing laying on the grass?" Connor suddenly asks, and I watch Mia sit up before scurrying over to him, flying into his arms as he holds them open to hug her.

"Just relaxing," Mia says, giving him a small kiss on the lips.

Honestly, I'm jealous of them and their sweet relationship. I've started to wonder if Evane had just asked me out normally, and if I'd said yes, if we could have been like them.

"Is Evane okay?" I ask without even bothering to say 'hi' to him first.

He sighs but Mia nudges him, urging him to say something as she notices the hope in my eyes. It's not like I want to see her any time soon, I just want to know if she's doing better since she seemed really ill before Connor and Mia got me away from her.

"She's doing better," he grumbles, definitely not wanting to tell me anything about her. He is her older brother so I presume he isn't happy with her knowing what she did to me, from the drugging to the kidnapping to the assault.

Mia nudges him again, knowing that he isn't telling me everything. She knows that I want to know more about what's been going on with Evane, and she's been telling me more about vampires and mates.

I learnt that he and Mia aren't mates but they still love each other and are dating. I also learnt that Evane and Connor's mother won't let Connor and Mia get married because they aren't mates. She also told me that me and Evane are the first mates in the family for about two hundred years so their mother is going to be all over me when and if I meet her.

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