a soft punishment

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POV: Adeline

This place is so big.

It's not big enough for me to get lost really, but it's still massive with multiple rooms for me to look in.

Despite this place being massive, it's kind of boring.

There's no decoration anywhere. Every wall is white and the few decorations that are scattered around are all black. Evane really likes minimalist decorations but I don't.

I thought she was rich but her decorations is so lacking and her furniture is so boring that it's making me question that.

Did she really spend all her money on my room and all the clothes she bought for me?

At the thought of my clothes, I suddenly remember that I'm still in my nightie. It's nice and comfy to wear but I would prefer to actually be dressed.

I've explored the guest bedroom and spare bathroom already, which only leaves Evane's bedroom but I feel weird going into her bedroom so I'm not going to - not today, at least.

After sleeping on a couch all night my body feels a little disgusting and, since I'm not chained to my bed, I'm free to shower on my own.

I've been trying to deter Evane from trying to bathe me but it hasn't really been working and honestly, I don't mind it anymore. She only really washes my hair and dries it for me which has made my life an awful lot easier since I hate washing my own hair and drying it.

This morning I'm only washing my body though. I washed my hair recently enough that it isn't greasy yet so it should be fine. Evane will remind me when I need to wash it again soon.

I go to my room and shut the bathroom door, turning on the shower, struggling to get the temperature right. Somehow Evane gets it right everytime without struggling at all.

Getting it to a decent temperature, but not perfect, I take off my nightie and underwear, stepping under the water to quickly wash myself with one of the fruity scented body washes lining the edge of the bath.

I quickly wash myself down before turning off the shower and stepping out onto the green bath mat and wrapping myself in a green towel. I dry myself off and grab the dressing gown that is also sage green from the back of the bathroom door.

After hanging up the towel to dry and with myself wrapped in my soft dressing gown, I step out of the steamy bathroom to find a dress to wear.

Evane has been leaving the wardrobe unlocked so that I can dress myself when I want to. It means I've had a chance to look through all the dresses she got me. So many of them are designer brands so they're definitely expensive.

I search through all the dresses, trying to find one that isn’t too heavy or long and that doesn't have a corset back that I'd require Evane's help to do up. Most of the dresses have quite poofy skirts and corset backs that need to be laced up.

I manage to find one that is quite light and doesn't have a corset back. It does have a kind of open back but it should be fine. It'll only go down to just above the middle of my back so it shouldn't show my bra, I think.

Taking it off its hanger, I lay it on the bed and get some underwear and a bra, trying to find a matching pair amongst all the pieces of fabric in the drawer. I eventually find a matching set of a plain black bra and matching underwear.

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