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POV: Adeline

"How was it?" Mia asks, leaning over the back of the couch as I enter the living room to put down my bag before taking my shoes off.

I don't answer her question right away as I undo my laces and take off my shoes, picking them up to place them by the front door next to the collection of Connor and Mia's shoes. Mia's eyes land back on me as I enter the room, greeting Bambi as he rests in his bed at the end of the couch.

I pet him before sitting down on the couch next to Mia, feeling her eyes burning into the side of my skull as I try to ignore her.

Her attention is taken away from me for a moment as Connor walks in after locking the car and taking his shoes off. He walks over to her and distracts her with a kiss on the lips. She mutters a small 'hi' to him before he moves away to go to the kitchen and get a drink.

She immediately returns to questioning me about what happened at my appointment, ignoring how much I clearly don't want to talk about it.

As she keeps berating me with the same question, Connor enters the living room and covers her mouth with his hand, gracing me with quiet. He knows why I don't want to talk about it, and he respects that.

Mia frowns at him, prying his hand away from her mouth, getting ready to tell him off for trying to shut her up. With a single glare she decides to stay quiet, giving up on her questioning for now.

She'll probably start up once Connor isn't around to stop her, but for now I have some peace to process everything.

I had my second appointment with my therapist today and we spent almost two hours today alone just talking about everything, and even though I still haven't gotten everything out to her, she still diagnosed me - and neither were things I wanted to hear, but I already knew before the words had left her lips.

"Why don't you go rest upstairs for a while, Adeline?" Connor suggests. "I'll come get you when dinner's ready."

I meekly nod and get up, Bambi getting up from his bed as well to follow me out of the living room and upstairs to my room.

I close the door behind me and almost immediately break down. Tears stream down my cheeks as I crumple to the floor by the door, Bambi nudging my arm as I uncontrollably sob.

I scoop him into my arms as I sit on the floor, sobbing into his fur and running my fingers through it to hopefully calm myself down or cheer myself up. As much as I know my therapist is right, I don't want to accept it.

I've always thought I might have the things she diagnosed me with, but hearing someone else say it... I don't want to accept that I was right.

[Earlier That Day]

"Is that all?" Ash asks, noting down the last thing I said on the pad of paper attached to her clipboard.

"How in depth do you want me to go?" I mutter, fiddling with my fingers.

I've already told her so much about my auntie, and what triggers me, and how often I get triggered, and my current living situation. I don't know what more I can say without possibly traumatising her.

"As in depth as you feel comfortable talking about," she says, bringing a sweet smile over her face. The sweet smile that convinces me to admit everything I've been through in my life.

She hasn't flinched at anything I've told her, but I haven't told her anywhere near everything. I skimmed over most of what Evane did and haven't even mentioned her by name.

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