different biology

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POV: Adeline

"Good morning," I yawn as I shuffle into the living room, noticing Evane standing in the kitchen.

She came into my room early this morning to check on me and see if I wanted any breakfast. I told her that I leave my room when I was hungry for something, and now is that time.

I know I don't want as big of a breakfast as usual since my appetite is still pretty small and the painkillers are just about working to hold back the pain from my cramps. I'll probably just get myself a bowl of cereal.

Evane seems really distracted as I walk into the kitchen, getting a bowl out of one of the cupboards above my head. I can tell she's getting ready for work but she seems like she's searching for something she might have misplaced.

I reach up to try and reach the cereal boxes but they're too high up for me to reach even on my tippy toes. Evane takes a moment away from her frowning to help me, easily reaching it, proving that the kitchen has been laid out for her height and not mine.

"Sorry about them being so high up," she mutters as she passes me the cereal box I was reaching for. "I thought I'd always be the one making your food so I didn't really put everything within your reach."

All I can do to respond is grumble. She seriously wanted to do everything for me when she first kidnapped me and, from how she said it, I'm pretty sure she still does. She really wants me to be like a doll that she can treat however she pleases.

I take the box from her and go back to my bowl, pouring out a small portion of cornflakes, leaving the box on the side for Evane to put it back in the cupboard while I pour in the milk.

Evane puts away the milk while I grab a spoon and go to sit at the table to start eating. Bambi settles under the table by my feet, much calmer than usual - probably because he can tell I'm not feeling too great.

I make sure to eat it all before it goes soggy at the bottom of the bowl, watching Evane for my entertainment since she's got such are serious frown over her face as she keeps looking around.

"What are you looking for?" I ask after my last mouthful of cereal.

"My necklace," she mutters, still half distracted. "I lost it a while ago, but I don't know where."

"What does it look like? Maybe I can help you look for it," I offer, getting up from the table and taking my bowl over to the sink for Evane to wash up later.

She scolds me whenever I try to clean anything, even a single dish, despite me having hours of the day to do it. She's just giving herself more work by not letting me clean while she's at work.

"It's a kind of silver chain. I lost it quite a while ago though so it might not even be in the house," she describes. "I probably lost it at work or while walking around."

My mind freezes for a moment, the cogs going extra slow as I get a vague memory of something that matched that description. I know I've seen something that matches that description before, but where?

Everything suddenly clicks and I can't help but question my own memory. It can't be right.

"What's wrong?" Evane asks as I stand silently by the sink, completely frozen and unresponsive until her hand gently rubs my arm.

"Um...I think I know where it is," I mutter, my voice to weak to come out any louder.

"Really?" She asks, perking up a little and her frown raising. "Where did you see it?"

"My apartment."

She pauses and takes a moment to think before asking if I'm sure that's where I saw it.

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