in the dark

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POV: Adeline

This is so nice.

When I came into the office this morning I found that most of the chairs had been changed to much more comfortable ones and they feel so much better for my back. I've been sat for hours and in the old chairs my back would be dying, but today I haven't even got the faintest ache.

Thing is, not every desk has one, but mine does and I'm determined to keep it. The good thing is that since I work longer hours than everyone else means no one can move my chair before I get to work or after I leave. I'm the first person here and the last person here, other than Evane.

I don't know when she gets into work, but she's always here before me. Recently she's been leaving work at the same time as me so she's been offering to drive me home whenever I'm particularly tired or the buses are cancelled or delayed. I've gotten more comfortable in her car, but I still prefer not being a bother for her.

Sometimes it feels like she leaves at the same time as me on purpose. To test my theory, I've decided to do a little experiment this week.

Evane is smart so she might catch on, but I want to try. She's been softer to me than she used to be and I'm not completely blind. I can see that she smiles when she talks to me yet always looks so fed up when she has to talk to literally anyone else.

I've been rushing through my work today so that I can leave slightly earlier since I swear Evane knows my entire routine. I want to throw her off a little. I'm not that predictable.

I've had to skip my break so that I can finish earlier than usual and I'm really regretting that decision now. My stomach won't stop grumbling and growling and it's really distracting.

I just need to get through all my work, then I can eat when I get home.

As I try to get on with my work, it only gets more distracting and I end up just resting my head on my desk. It's starting to make me feel unbearably sick.

A small knock echoes off my desk and I slowly lift my head to see a cardboard box and one of the wooden forks from the canteen placed on my desk. Looking further up, I see Evane standing over my desk, staring down at me as my head rests on my desk.

"Feeling sleepy?" She mocks as I grumble and try to fix my hair. "I didn't see you take a break or eat lunch so I brought you something to eat."

"Is it a salad or something?" I groan, scrunching my nose. Whenever anyone has gotten me food before, they've always gotten me salads. I'm not even close to overweight.

I prefer warm and cooked food rather than sandwiches and cold salads. They just fill me up more and taste better. Besides, cold foods kind of upset my stomach and they're just not enjoyable to eat.

"No, it's just some pasta with cheese and a muffin. Nothing fancy," she shrugs.

Why is she being so nice?

Evane has been oddly attentive to me, especially for being my boss, and I don't like it. It's caused so many rumours to start spreading around the office and none of them are nice.

"I have some paperwork I need in my office before the end of the day," she suddenly states, her slight smile dropping entirely making me remember how truly terrifying she can be. "Be sure to get it done."

"Yes, Miss Sinclaire," I mumble.

I can feel her glare as I mumble, reminding me of how serious she is about me not mumbling.

"I'll try to have it on your desk before I leave," I answer, raising my voice a little so that I'm not mumbling but my voice still isn't particularly loud. Its loud enough to satisfy her though since she hums in approval before leaving me to get on with the pile of papers she left on my desk without me noticing.

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