a gift

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[A month later]
POV: Adeline

I haven't seen Evane or even heard of her from Connor since I saw her last month.

My heart does oddly ache from not seeing her, but I've just been putting that down to the Stockholm syndrome that I've been working with my therapist Ash to try and fix and get my life back to something that resembles a normal life, rather than the one with vampires where I was kidnapped that I apparently live in.

I had sobbed all night after I saw her, not knowing how I should feel. After talking to Ash about it, she managed to stop me from feeling so guilty for refusing Evane, but I do still feel a little bit mean for so bluntly telling her I didn't want to see her at all.

There had to be a more gentle way of saying it to her, but when I think about it if I had said it any softer Evane probably wouldn't have gotten the message. She would still be trying to apologise without doing any work to improve herself and make her a decent person at the least.

"Hey, Connor? Could you come here please," Mia calls from the front door.

She went to answer it a few minutes ago, leaving me in the kitchen to keep cleaning. We were cooking pancakes this morning and it got extremely messy. I ended up spilling flour everywhere, including all in my hair, so we had our breakfast an each went to take thorough showers before coming back to clean up our mess.

Mia was meant to help but she absolutely hates chores and left to answer the door like the Flash as soon as she heard it ring. I had barely acknowledged the door before I found that she was gone.

I hear Connor leave his office and come downstairs. I want to eavesdrop but I'm too busy trying to keep Bambi away from the remaining spills on the floor that he keeps trying to sniff and lick.

We made a massive mess.

I whine and grumble to myself as I keep Bambi away with my foot and try to clean up another patch of flour. I don't know why I'm still doing this by myself. Mia made this mess too. She should be helping.

Realising that, I stop cleaning and lean against the counter top, listening out for Mia to finally return from the front door. While I wait, I pick Bambi up to stop him from trying to eat the flour still on the floor.

He's a lot bigger and no longer a little puppy so it's more difficult to pick him up, but he's not very big. He did seem like the smallest of his litter when I rescued him so it makes sense that he's small even when he's nearly fully grown.

The little white spots around his tail have almost completely faded so he doesn't have the same dear spots that he had as a puppy. He is a lot bigger but I love it since it means we can go on longer walks, which I've come to really like when it isn't raining or sweltering heat.

Bambi enjoys our long walks too, always sniffing around and wanting to skip ahead to explore until he gets tired and gives up on walking. When he gets that tired he starts to think that he's a small puppy that I can carry again, and whines when I don't scoop him into my arms and carry him home.

"Okay, bud. You're too heavy to hold," I groan as I lower him back to the floor as far from the patches of flour as I can.

He whines and leans against my leg, wanting to be held in my arms again but he is definitely too big for me to hold any more. I still cuddle him in bed, but I can't pick him up for long periods of time anymore.

"Adeline," Mia calls as she enters the kitchen, missing the usual excited skip in her step. "Connor needs you at the front door."

"Okay," I shrug before slapping the towel in my hand against her chest for her to take. "You can keep cleaning up in here, then. Oh, and don't let Bambi eat the flour."

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