final preparations

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POV: Evane

My kitten is finally taking some time off work. She occasionally has longer weekends but she doesn't often use her holiday times, so I'm glad she's finally taking some time off to relax.

I've also made some progress with her. She's given me her permission to use her name. I think her name is beautiful but I don't often use it when referring to her.

She's Mittens and my kitten, but I maybe should get used to calling her Adeline for a while since I don't want my name for her to accidentally slip. She'd probably get a little freaked out and shy, and would try to distance herself from me.

I need her close to me and for her to trust me if my plan is going to work.

So far she's had almost her whole week off and she hasn't asked for more time off so she's probably coming back tomorrow. I've checked on her occasionally and almost every time found her asleep either on her couch or bed with the puppy cuddled up with her.

Bambi. A very cute name for a puppy that is definitely somewhat cute.

Lucky for that little creature, I'm willing to care for it as well as her, but only because my kitten likes it. That little puppy is her new support so I can't separate them, even if she does start leaning on me for comfort.

My Adeline should be back tomorrow so I've been busy making things a little better for her for when she comes back.

I fired the two girls that made her cry and that seems to have quietened the rumours about me and her that I wish were true. Everyone in the office has the accepted belief that she's fucking me and letting me fuck her to get ahead in her job, but it's nowhere near true.

God, I wish those rumours were true. I want her so badly, but I can't have her just yet.

Soon. I'll have her soon.

I just have to keep reminding myself that I'll have her soon and urge myself to be patient. If I take her now she'll be much harder to train. She needs to have some trust in me before I bring her home so that I'll have a little more to work with.

I lean back in my office chair and check my phone as I get a notification. The new dog bed I ordered for her puppy just arrived along with some of her new dresses. They're all expensive but they'll look beautiful on her, I know they will.

They're all beautiful pastel colours and I've had them made specifically for her body, if a little loose since I want her to gain a little weight. While she is beautiful, she barely eats and is quite skinny. I want her to be a good, healthy weight and to have healthy rolls around her middle when she sits.

I love seeing the small pudge on her stomach but she barely has any to admire so, once she's in my care, I have specific meals I plan on giving her to help her gain some weight while also making sure her  blood tastes perfect.

When I got a small taste of her a few days ago it tasted alright at first but I was left with an aftertaste of weed for hours. It won't leave her flavour for quite a while, which is comforting since it means I don't have to rush quite so much to set everything up for her.

On top of her flavour being ruined temporarily, I also lost one of my favourite chain necklaces while I was out. I just have to hope it wasn't in her apartment. It doesn't matter too much since I can just buy another, but I'd preferred not to have lost it.

It's almost the end of the day, so I should see her tomorrow but right now I need to go home and organise some of the new deliveries.

I turn off my computer and leave my office, locking the door on my way out before passing through the office where everyone is still working.

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