a rejected truth

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POV: Adeline

"Sit down," Evane sighs, walking across the room and dragging the chair from my desk to sit beside my bed.

I adjust the skirt of my dress so that I won't wrinkle it too much as I sit in the middle of my bed, picking Bambi up so that he can sit with me instead of whining on the floor for attention while Evane hopefully explains why she brought me here.

"This is going to sound a little unbelievable, so I just need you to listen," Evane says, leaning forward on her chair as I intently listen.

Bambi settles in my lap as I cross my legs, Evane looking a little displeased that he's sat on the skirt of the dress she gave me but she doesn't say anything. She lets me pet him and get him to sleep peacefully before starting to finally explain why she's done all this.

Why she drugged me. Why she kidnapped me. Why she's trapped me in a room in her house. I can finally get some answers.

"I'm a vampire," she suddenly says, making my whole mind pause.

She falls silent as I frown, my whole body freezing as I struggle to figure out if she's serious. Bambi lifts his head and whimpers as I stop petting him, my mind struggling to comprehend if this usually serious business woman is trying to convince me she's a vampire.

"What?" I say, completely deadpan.

If this is a joke I'm not having it. I want a serious answer, not a stupid joke.

"I'm a vampire," she repeats, just as serious as before.


"I am."


"But I am, Adeline."

"No, you are not."

"Why won't you just believe me?"

"Because vampires don't exist," I scoff. "Just as werewolves and ghosts don't. Vampires don't exist."

Evane seems to struggle to find more words, just sounds coming out of her mouth as she struggles to come up with something else to try and convince me. I'm not even done yet.

"Besides, I have no real reason to believe anything you tell me, especially not something as purely ridiculous as that," I laugh, going back to petting Bambi as he begins to shuffle around, confused about what me and Evane are talking about that's making me laugh.

Evane just keeps making sounds, suddenly getting up from the chair to pace my room. She must be trying to come up with some other way to convince me of this ridiculous lie.

"So where do you think all the stories of vampires and ghosts and werewolves came from?" She asks as if she's hit a jackpot question.

"Dunno. Someone's mind probably. Just like every other story," I shrug. "Maybe from something they saw or experienced, but still just a story."

Evane huffs, raking her fingers through her hair as she keeps pacing. After a few minutes of moving back and forth and back and forth, she sits on the edge of my bed making the whole mattress bounce.

I steady myself and help Bambi settle as he gets disturbed by the movement.

"Then where did these people who made those stories get their ideas from?" She growls. I've definitely hit a nerve and, as much as she does scare me, I kind of want to push this.

Maybe, just maybe, if I push her far enough then maybe she'll get tired of me and give and let me go.

Even if she does though, it's likely that I don't have my flat anymore and I probably won't have anywhere else to go, but at least I won't be trapped here anymore with a woman who seriously believes she's a vampire.

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