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POV: Evane

She looks so beautiful asleep, even with her little frown.

As I promised, I've been awake almost all night just in case the vets call with any news about Bambi. They haven't so far and the sun is just starting to rise meaning my kitten will probably wake up soon.

With the TV turned off so that it doesn't disturb her, I've just been admiring her as she sleeps, doing exactly what she was swearing she wouldn't do.

Mittens has barely stirred since she drifted off, using my lap to rest her head. Me petting her hair has definitely been helping keep her settled since whenever I stop she begins shuffling. It's just been another reason to stay awake.

She's had her chain off all night giving me the chance to see the red mark it's leaving on her delicate skin. It is designed to be soft but having it on all the time means her skin rarely has the chance to heal from where it rubs.

I really should take it off her more often.

I frown as I restart my pondering about how to get her out of her room more. If I let her out into the garden she's more likely to start plotting to escape me, but I do need to show her a little bit of trust.

Running my hand along her body, my hand goes down to her ankle, grazing the red ring left on her pale skin. It's so dry and must be uncomfortable for her, but she's never complained about it to me. If she'd told me I would've started take the chain off her a little more often rather than just for baths.

Going back to stroking her hair, I lean my head back, honestly getting quite bored. My phone is just out of my reach and I don't want to move and get it with her on my lap.

Just as the thought of my phone comes to mind it begins to blare, a loud ring that immediately makes Adeline bolt up, the top of her head smacking my chin.

"Sorry," she squeaks, rubbing her head where it hit my chin. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I groan, rubbing my chin until the pain subsides. "Yeah, I'm fine."

I gently move her off my lap to grab my phone and answer it, standing up as I start talking to the person on the other end.

Adeline sits on her knees, leaning forward on the arm of the couch as I pace while talking. She really does remind me of an eager puppy sometimes with how she kneels and lifts herself up.

She quietly whines as she gets impatient to know who's called, but she already knows. She just wants to know what they're saying.

I run my fingers through her hair to massage her scalp and keep her patient while I talk to them. Adeline keeps shuffling around, even my soft massaging not helping to keep her waiting patiently.

After a few minutes, I finally hang up and look down at Adeline, my eyes meeting her wide, worried ones. She's already expecting the worst.

"The surgery went well," I say, pausing as Adeline starts wriggling around more as she gets excited to get her puppy back. "But they want to keep him in until tomorrow morning to keep an eye on him."

I can see the disappointment flood her eyes as she sits back on her legs, looking at her lap. She fiddles with her fingers in her lap and the sad state of her just makes me want to hug her.

I don't like seeing my mate so down but I don't think anything will cheer her up at the moment except having Bambi back.

Putting my phone down, I move to sit beside her, wrapping one arm around her and to my surprise she doesn't pull away, letting me pull her into a hug. Surprising me even more, Adeline hugs me back, burying her face in my chest as she begins crying again.

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