tangled up

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POV: Evane

She looked so upset.

My poor little kitten had been so happy this morning and had been getting on with her work perfectly, but then she suddenly became so upset.

She had almost finished her work and I watched her from my office using all the cameras around the office as she went to use the restrooms. I don't have any cameras in there so I don't know what happened exactly, but two other girls went in after her and left before her and I know those two gossip.

My little kitten took quite a while before stepping out quite a while after them, and it was easy to see how upset she was. She was keeping her eyes down and looked so small and nervous, her good mood from a few minutes before completely shattered.

What did they say to you, Mittens?

She looked so upset as she left and it was so obvious that she wanted to cry as she stood in the lift. Her hands were held nervously in front of her and she'd squished herself into the corner of the lift.

My kitten looked so sad and I wanted to go and comfort her, but since she isn't as comfortable with me as I am with her it probably would've made her feel even worse.

Something in me just feels uneasy leaving her completely unsupervised tonight so I left work a little early to keep an eye on her while she's at home. I've done it a little bit before, just watching her from the roof of her building, but never because I've been concerned for her safety.

Mittens is usually so careful and I never feel like I need to watch over her to make sure she doesn't hurt herself. I hate being here though since her scent is covered up by all the drugs.

As I crouch on the roof, keeping an eye on her apartment door, I can't help but remember how my brothers always said I looked like a funky bat when I would crouch on the rooftops and watch over everything when I used to hunt. I haven't gone hunting in a while though so now I just use my skills to watch over her.

If I learnt how to actually transform into a bat I would end up just hanging outside her window and watch her from there, but I never learned so all I can do is observe from a distance.

I'm glad that I was watching her door though since, after almost four hours of just watching her front door, I see it open and her step out, something tucked tightly in her clenched fist. I watch as she looks around before quickly striding a few doors down and knocking.

Something about how shifty she's being tells me she doesn't want anyone to see what she's doing. Little does she know I'm watching every twitch of her muscles as she nervously shuffles from foot to foot.

The door she knocked on flings open, definitely taking her by surprise, but she passes the man who answered the door what she was holding in her hand, which turns out to be cash. He immediately takes it and steps back inside his apartment, leaving her to anxiously stand outside.

What are you up to, little one?

He returns a little while later and passes her a small box which she snatches from him before scurrying back to her apartment and slamming the door behind her.

Suddenly more concerned than I was before, I slip down and quietly stand outside her door where her scent is much stronger. I thought it would be easy to tell what she's doing from her door but with all the other smells around I can barely find hers anymore.

Finding it pointless to be outside her door, I move around to the small ledge outside her window. To my dismay, the same scent is lingering here too, blocking her beautiful scent from me.

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