playful paws

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POV: Adeline

"Hello," I yawn as I get batted with tiny paws desperately trying to wake me up so that I can feed him.

He yaps at me and pathetically whines as I slowly sit up, rolling him off my chest where he'd been jumping. He keeps jumping on my lap as I slowly wake up, wondering what time it is.

I feel oddly well rested this morning despite being woken up so abruptly by paws smacking my face. My calm is shattered though as I check my phone for the time, since I don't have a clock in my room, and I see all the messages from Evane.

6 missed messages from Evane Sinclaire (boss)

"Oh crap," I mutter to myself, trying to get Bambi to stop hitting me with his paws as I check the messages to try and see how pissed Evane's going to be.

Where are you?
Are you not coming into work today?
Are you unwell?
If you're unwell you need to call in and tell me.
Please call me when you can.
Don't bother anymore. This will come out of your pay and days off.

"Oh no," I mutter, placing my phone to the side as I bury my face in my hands.

I want to cry. I hadn't meant to sleep in and I can't afford to lose any of my pay. If she deducts too much then I won't be able to feed myself and my new puppy alongside all my bills.

Bambi must catch on the I'm upset since he calms down, softly nudging my arms to get me to move my hands away from my face. I lay back down to cuddle him and let him climb up my chest to lick my face until I finally smile.

I pet him behind his ears, sitting up and settling him in my lap, laying him on his back so that I can play with his little paws as they stick up in the air. I tap each of his little pink toe beans and the soft pads of his feet. He squirms happily as I pet his fluffy belly. He's still quite thin but he's so soft and he enjoys me rubbing his tummy.

"Thanks, Bambi," I mutter to him, snuggling him closer to me to feel his little warm body. "I feel a little better now."

He rolls over and clumsily stumbles out of my lap, standing at the edge of my bed too scared to jump down since my bed is quite high up. He whines and looks at me with his adorable puppy eyes for help.

I chuckle and help him down onto the floor, slipping on my worn out slippers that are meant to be fluffy but aren’t anymore. Bambi scampers over to the door that's closed to stop him from running everywhere while I was asleep, helplessly looking up to me for help.

He happily runs around my apartment once I open the door, running circles around my ankles and almost tripping me up as I go into the kitchen to prepare his small breakfast of food I got from the vet.

I place the bowl on the manky towel I'd placed down since Bambi is very messy when he eats and was getting food all over my floor.

He eagerly shoves his face into the bowl and begins eating, which ways makes me giggle. His front legs always splay out when he eats from his bowl like a deer on ice. It's so funny to see. He's quickly learning to sit properly when he eats though so he doesn't always do it.

I named him Bambi partly because of how he eats but also because of the few white dots in his fur mostly concentrated around his tail. It just looks similar to the kind of spots a deer would have and Bambi seemed like a good name since he also had a depressing past and lost his mother.

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