an aching mind

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POV: Adeline

It's pointless.

I can't get on with any of my work with this throbbing migraine pulsing in my head making everything in my head feel fuzzy and every noise hurt I my head. I swear everyone is being louder today, much more than usual.

It's been a week since Bambi disappeared and I couldn't find him anywhere so my stressed fueled headaches have been getting worse. Only today did it become a horrible migraine that is stopping me from getting anything done well.

I've managed to get through most of today, but it's only just gone past lunch and this is getting unbearable. No painkillers will touch it so I've been forced to deal with it and Evane has been refusing to let me take time off, even though I've tried to explain it to her.

She just snapped at me and ordered me to get back to work with no exceptions. I don't know what to do other than try my best so that she doesn't yell at me. I'm already sensitive to people yelling around me so I don't want to trigger her to yell at me.

I have some work to deliver to her office that I'm finishing up but it's taken me twice as long as it normally would with the horrid feeling in my skull. It's difficult to think as I complete the work she gave me to do, but I've finally finished it.

Steadying myself on my desk, I stand up and gather up all the papers I need to give her, feebly hobbling towards Evane's office. This time she is in her office and after last time I don't have any more curiosity about that collar. I don't have any emotions anymore other than wanting to curl up in my bed and cry in the dark.

I shuffle up to her door, barely having the strength to make it there as my head feels fuzzy, and not in a good way. I just want to lay down somewhere quiet to wallow in my misery with no puppy to comfort me while I suffer from what feels like the worst migraine of my life.

I knock and wait for her voice to reply before entering. She's sat behind her desk as usual, the air conditioning just as cold as always. Ignoring how I'm now freezing cold, I step up to her desk and slowly place the collection of papers in front of her.

Any quick move makes me dizzy so I'm moving ridiculously slow for everything. My body barely has any energy since I haven't been eating much for the past few days. I haven't been able to stomach much since my stress makes me feel ill.

"Um, Adeline," Evane hums as she flicks through all the papers I gave her.

All I can muster is a small hum back to show I'm listening.

"Is something wrong? You look unwell and you haven't done any of this work correctly," she softly says, placing the papers down on her desk. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Just a migraine..." I grumble, rubbing my eyes as they keep trying to close. The lights in here are so bright and are definitely making my migraine worse.

"How long have you had it? I only ask since your work has been slacking all week," she points out.

I hadn't even noticed that my work had been getting worse all week. I've been finding it harder to focus all week as my headache transformed into a migraine, so I guess my work must have been getting worse too.

"Since the beginning of this week I've had a headache and it's only been getting worse, now its a migraine," I whimper, struggling to hold back tears as I remember what started this.

Evane gives me a pitiful look as she sighs, leaning back in her chair as she runs a hand through her hair. I doubt there's anything she can do except send me home, though I doubt I'd make it there on my own. I'm too disoriented and I'd probably get lost somehow.

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