unable to rest

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POV: Adeline

She has to be back soon.

I keep checking the clock every few minutes and Evane left about three hours ago. She has to be back soon with Bambi...she has to be.

I haven't slept at all. How can I? I want to know my puppy is okay before I can even consider resting my head.

I've been getting up and down from my bed, pacing back and forth in my room getting more frustrated with the chain as it keeps getting in the way and I keep tripping on it.

My while body freezes as I hear a knock on my door before it unlocks and Evane steps in. I bolt over to her, checking everywhere around her since she isn't carrying Bambi. He isnt hanging around her feet or behind her either.

"Where is he?" I worriedly ask, fiddling with my fingers as I feel my stomach churn and drop.


"Evane, where's Bambi?" I repeat and she just gives me the most sorry look she can, barely able to look at me.

He can't be... He's still so small and young, he can't be gone.


"He is still alive, Adeline," she interrupts filling me with a little relief.

"Then why isn't he with you?"

"The vets needed to give him an emergency surgery and it would take quite a while so I came back to keep you company," she explains, moving me to sit on my bed.

I just sit quietly as I try to figure out everything, though my mind is rushing too much to get any thoughts clear in my head. Bambi had seemed fine and I thought I was taking good care of him, but now everything has gone so wrong and there might be no way to fix it.

"Come on, try to get some sleep," Evane coos, trying to get me to lay down but I grip her shoulders, keeping me from laying down completely.

"I'm not tired," I snap at her, breaking away and getting off the bed.

I'm not going to sleep until I know Bambi is okay. Sure I am exhausted already but I don't want to sleep. Evane can try as much as she wants to get me to rest but I'll keep fighting her.

Bambi has been the only thing keeping me going here. I've been finding it harder to fight off my depression each day but having him has helped a little. I can't lose him. Not now.


"No! I'm not going to sleep until I know for sure that he is alive and okay," I scream at her, tears filling my eyes blurring what I can see of her. "I'm not going to bed until I have him back!"

Evane sighs and I can almost hear the cogs turning in her mind as she tries to figure out something to convince me to sleep. She'll probably think of something like 'Bambi wouldn't want me to be exhausted when I see him again' or that I won't be able to play with him when he gets back if I'm exhausted.

"Alright then," she sighs, getting up from my bed.

I freeze as I try to figure out if she's seriously letting me stay awake even though it's definitely a dumb thing to do.

While I try to figure out if she's serious, I watch as Evane crouches down and unbuckles the chain from my ankle, giving me the freedom to walk around without tripping on it. I move my foot around to try and get used to moving without the extra weight, giving Evane a glance to see what she's doing.

I'm not good at reading her, but her movements should give me some clue about what she's doing.

Evane opens the door, holding it open seemingly for me but I don't trust it. As she realises I'm not going to follow her out, she sighs and tries to give me a friendly smile but it just makes me back further away from her.

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