scolding her

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POV: Evane

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" Connor yells at me, angrier than I've ever heard him, and I honestly don't know how to answer his question.

I wasn't.

That's the problem.

I wasn't thinking.

I did all that to Adeline without even knowing what I was doing or knowing that I was doing it until Connor broke me away from her.

I'm glad he did.

I'm angry at myself for hurting her and I know I've now pushed her even further away than I did when I kidnapped her and Bambi.

"Fuck, Evane. Do you love her or not?"

"Of course I do. She's my-"

"If you dare say 'mate' as your only reasoning, I will smack you again," he interrupts.

I rub my face where he last hit me, finding it still sore. Is this what Adeline's body felt when I spanked her? It hurts. And he's only hit me twice so far.

"Shit, Evane. Did you seriously only do all of this to her just because you thought she's your mate? Does she know about the whole mate thing? About you being a vampire? Any of it?"

"I told her about the vampire bit, but she didn't believe me. She just called vampires mosquitos and I couldn't convince her otherwise," I tell him, looking at the floor like a child being scolded.

I'm a grown woman yet I'm being scolded by my older brother like I'm still a toddler.

"And she is my mate. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, though..."

He's never had a mate. He doesn't understand how it messes with someone's brain and their decisions. How it makes your heart ache and yearn without them around.

"It doesn't matter, Evane. You still almost raped the poor girl," he reminds me, filling me with shame and guilt again. "If you went to court for that, would your only defense be that she's your mate?"

I can't muster a response since I don't know the answer.

"It better not be."

I grab one of the plushies Adeline left lying around, hugging it close to my chest and burying my face in it. Her scent is stuck on it and it's making me miss her even though she's barely been gone an hour.

"How was she on the way to your place?" I mutter, looking at him through my lashes.

"Why does that matter?" He asks. "She was fine. Now, do you want me to tell mum what you did and what's been going on?" He threatens.

"Please no," I instantly beg.

Mother might like that I have a mate but she will be pissed if she ever finds out how horrible I've been to her. She wants me to treat the woman that will bear her grandchildren perfectly and I haven't even been treating her decently.

Connor sighs and tuns his hand over his hair. I've stressed him out.

So much for today being relaxing and getting him and his girlfriend to meet Adeline and get to know her. I barely know his girlfriend and I know I've made a bad impression on her now.

"Fine. I won't tell her yet, but if you don't eat this instant, I won't think twice before calling her and ratting you out for everything," he warns, grabbing a small blood bag from his backpack that I swear he's taken everywhere since I was a kid.

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