flower bouquet

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POV: Evane

I've been parked at the end of the road Connor's house is on wondering if I should actually do what I want to.

I want to see Adeline again, even for a few minutes. It's been almost two months since I last saw her beauty and my heart has been aching to see it again.

I've asked Connor but he keeps refusing so I've decided to come without his permission, but I'm second guessing myself. Especially after I saw Addie walking up to the house after taking Bambi for a walk with the brightest smile over her face as she talked to Mia, who had been walking with her.

She never smiled like that around me. The last time I saw her smiling like that was when she first got Bambi.

I was the one that ruined that smile and I know I don't deserve to have it shine my way, but I want it to. I want her to smile at me like she does when she's playing with Bambi and enjoying herself.

Her gorgeous smile that could light up a room sticks in my mind and has for the hours I've been sat in my car staring down the street at the house debating if I should go and knock. All of them are in now, and I'd bet Adeline won't be the one who answers the door and neither Mia or Connor are likely to let me see her.

That's why I brought the flowers. Either for her, or to convince Mia to let me see her for a minute, or convince Connor that I'm only here to apologise to Adeline.

They're Adeline's favourite flowers - a mix of pink carnations, purple and pink sweet peas, and white roses and daisies. It took me ages to find a place that could make the perfect bouquet for her with the perfect flowers, and it wasn't cheap.

Finally making up my mind, I grab the bouquet from the passenger seat next to me, climbing out of the car and slamming the door behind me, hearing the satisfying click of the lock.

As I walk closer to the house my heart is pounding. I'm so anxious to see her and her scent is held in the wind coming from the house, flowing into my nose and making my heart flutter.

It doesn't cause me to have an intense craving anymore but it makes me incredibly eager to see her close up again rather than just in my dreams. My dreams that have been becoming noticeably less sexual and more just of us walking Bambi together, and cuddling on the couch watching a movie, or laying in the garden on a blanket and just talking.

That's the life I know I want with her. A carefree one where she has no worries and is comfortable with me and can spend her life however she likes while coming to me with any of her fears or concerns. At this point having a family with her isn't even in my mind. I just want her.

To hold her close. To sleep next to her. To be around her.

I fix the flowers in the bouquet as I walk up to the door, only hesitating after I've already knocked and rung the doorbell.

What if she isn't ready to see me? What if I trigger her by just being here? Is this a mistake?

Before I can turn around and give up on the idea, the front door opens to Connor's unimpressed face. He only stopped visiting me around a week ago, trusting me not to do something stupid and now in stood at his doorstep for he knows exactly what.

"Evane," he warns, not giving me a chance to say what I want by visiting his house.

"Not even a hello for your little sister?" I mockingly say.

He raises his brow.

"Fine. I'm here to see Adeline," I admit. I don't need him staring into my soul anymore. "I just wanted to bring some flowers and apologise in person rather than through you or Mia."

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