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POV: Adeline

What did I do?

She never tells me what I've specifically done to anger her but it must have been serious for her to have spanked me so hard. Maybe it was me hitting her?

No matter what it was that set her off, my bum now really hurts.

I've been laying under my covers on my side cuddling with Bambi and crying into his fur occasionally when I remember what happened just an hour ago. I can't lay on my back like I normally do since it would mean laying on my butt which is probably bruised.

I haven't taken a look in the mirror and I haven't actually taken the time to put a clean pair of underwear on after Evane took them off to spank me. I've just been laying in bed in silence trying not to completely break down.

If I were back in my place I would definitely be smoking almost everyday with how much Evane's forcing me through. I'm craving those cigarettes now, something younger me would never believe.

Once upon a time I hated those weed cigarettes, now I'm craving them whenever I get even slightly stressed. I'd hold back on buying them too often since my money had to be used elsewhere, but any stress with some spare money in my pocket most of the time went to getting more cigarettes.

I doubt Evane will get any for me and she definitely won't let me go out to get them on my own.

Bambi starts nudging my face with his wet nose as he realises I'm drifting into my own mind again. He lets out a small whine making me look down at him as he snuggles under one of my arms.

"Hey buddy," I coo, rubbing between his ears, watching as his tail starts aggressively wagging from side to side.

He gives my face a small lick, pleased that I'm back to petting him and distracting me a little from the numb pain coming from the bruise that's probably on me.

I glance at the time, realising its almost the time when Evane usually makes me lunch meaning she'll be coming to my room in a few minutes. I don't want to see her though. Not after she abused me just over an hour ago.

I don't ever want to see her again, but I don't have any choice.

I'm trapped in her house with no way out. She has given me a small opening though.

Her going back to work and leaving me alone gives me a chance to nose around and hopefully find the damn back door. I still haven't found it making me wonder where on earth it is in this house. There has to be one somewhere, right?

Just as I think about her, a knock comes from my door sending dread theough me. I don't want to see her at all.

Taking my arm away from Bambi, I move to hide completely under my sheets, ignoring Bambi as he begins jumping around in an attempt to get me out from under the covers to keep petting him.

He only stops when he hears the door open, Evane stepping in, making her footsteps a little louder as she walks around, placing a tray down, the cutlery clattering around as she sets it down.

"Come on, Addie," Evane sighs, sitting on the edge of my bed and trying to pry the covers away from the top of my head but I hold them in place.

She sighs and gives up, patting my leg instead still trying to convince me to come out from under the covers. I shake my head and curl up tighter under the sheets, disturbing Bambi and making him waddle around on my bed to find somewhere else to settle.

"I made the macaroni you wanted. Please eat it before it goes cold," she coos but I keep ignoring her, remaining under my silk sheets and not letting her budge them away from my face.

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