playing with her puppy

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POV: Evane

She's still asleep.

It's been hours and she's still asleep.

I'm starting to get really worried since she hasn't even stirred. She's still deep asleep snuggled under the blanket on the sofa in my office. All she does is occasionally whimper and shuffle about before settling back down and sleeping for another hour without any movement.

Come on, Mittens. Please wake up so that I can take you home and you can cuddle your puppy.

I've basically finished all my work and she still asleep. She's been asleep all day now and I just want her to wake up so that I know she's okay. She had a panic attack and has been unconscious all day, I have the right to be worried about her.

Getting up from my desk, I turn off my computer and walk over to her, crouching beside her and stroking her hair. The instant I touch her skin she holds my hand, pulling it closer for comfort.

Even through my worry, she manages to make me smile, just for a moment.

"Let's get you home, sweetheart," I mutter. "Everyone else is already gone and I'd bet Bambi is eagerly waiting for you to get home."

I know she can't hear me but I just like talking to her. It puts me at ease, especially when I have to carry her to my car and drive her home to leave her there without her waking up. She seems alright though so I shouldn't worry too much. She just needs a proper bed.

Being as careful as I can, I take the blanket away from her, hating how she whimpers and curls up to try and stay warm. It breaks my heart as I hear her but I need to get her home.

I scoop her into my arms and take great care as I carry her out to the lift, finding it nice how she snuggles into my chest, burying her face in my chest as she takes in my scent.

She looks so cute when she's sound asleep and I just listen to her softly snoring as the lift takes us down to the car park. Adeline barely shuffles in my arms as I carry her to my car, struggling a little to open the passenger door so that I can get her in.

A small whine leaves her as I place her in the seat, putting the seat belt over her, taking my warmth away from her. Feeling bad and not wanting her to be uncomfortable on the ride back to her apartment, I take off my coat and cover her with it, which seems to satisfy her.

Adeline pulls my coat up to her face, snuggling into it like she did with the blanket.

She's definitely a cuddly sleeper.

I admire her for another minute before finally snapping back to reality and starting to drive her home, being as careful as I can especially around corners. She doesn't like driving and being in cars so I need to be careful so that I don't make her fear worse.

Since she's still asleep, she slips around a little bit in her seat while I drive so I place my hand on her thigh, holding her in place as she lays her head against the door looking very content with my coat over her.

I park outside her apartment building, instantly wishing I had just brought her to my place. I hate this place and I hate that she lives here when she can afford better places. She could live in a penthouse in the city centre if she wanted to.

With a sigh, I get out of my car and carry her out, keeping my coat over her so that she can stay warm. It's not particularly cold outside, but I'd prefer her to be cosy rather than shivering.

I hold her close to me as I carry her in to her apartment, instantly being met with a small puppy at my feet. It let's out a small yap at me as it sees me carrying in its mother. I have to brush Bambi to the side with my foot so that I don't stand on him as I carry her into her small bedroom.

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