untrue words

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POV: Adeline

How did I get into bed? And when did I change?

I have no memory of what happened yesterday. I know I fell asleep, but I have no clue how I got home and into bed with my pyjamas on. My clothes from yesterday are even neatly folded on the top of my dresser.

Not wanting to linger on it too long since I'm going to be late if I do, I roll out of bed and reluctantly get ready. Since I didn't do any washing last night, I only have another short skirt. Or at least, that's what I should've had.

Hung in my wardrobe are all of my clothes, now clean and some of them even ironed. Now I know I didn't do that.

I rarely iron any of my clothes and just deal with them being wrinkly instead of putting in the extra effort. I don't think some wrinkly clothes are that big of a deal unless it's an interview or something serious that requires me to dress nicer than usual.

Was someone else in my apartment?

It's a little concerning, but nothing seems missing from my apartment and it doesn't seem like whoever it was did anything unhelpful so I can't really be upset. I double check around my apartment and it definitely wasn't broken into so there isn't really any reason to be angry.

My only concern is if I dressed myself or if they dressed me. It was probably me and I just don't remember, but I'm not certain. I hope I dressed myself.

With that thought shaken off, I step into my shower to wash myself before getting dressed and brushing my teeth. I don't eat breakfast often so I don't bother with it before stepping out of my apartment with my breath held so that I don't breath in the smoke from my neighbours having their morning cigarettes as I lock my door and race to get to the bus stop.

The buses to where I work are limited so I need to catch it or else pay more for a taxi to get to work. I hate getting taxis and Ubers since they're usually grimy and the drivers are reckless and drive way too fast for my comfort.

The bus pulls up to the stop and I step on, sitting near the front since loud people always go to sit in the back. It takes a while to get to work so I always have something to do, usually just listening to music since it drowns out the sound of the loud people and the unnerving sound of the traffic.

I play with my fingers as I listen to my music, glad when I finally get off. Walking through the main reception and using my key card to the lift so that I can go up. It's early so there's hardly anyone around except for a few cleaners and a receptionist.

I'm pretty sure I didn't complete all my work yesterday so I want to get it done before I get all the other work for today. I don't really want to be here all day finishing the work I should've done yesterday and all the work I'll get today.

It takes a long time to go all the way up to the floor I work on since it's almost at the very top of a skyscraper and the lift is very slow, so I put my music on again. It partly soothes my boredom and covers up the concerning rattling and creaking and squeaking sounds that the lift makes all the way up the building.

One of my worst fears is that it'll break or randomly stop and I'll just be stuck. The worst one is that the cables could just snap and I'll plummet to my death. Its unlikely, but it could happen so I'm still anxious.

I'm relieved as it manages to pull me up to my floor and I can finally step out, the lift doors shuddering closed behind me as I turn off my music and start walking to my desk.

Out of habit, I glance towards Evane's office and, as I expected, her office light is on. I swear that when she doesn't drive me home she just sleeps at work instead of going home. It wouldn't surprise me if she drives me home just to then drive back so that she can sleep at work instead of on a proper bed.

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