a comfy bed

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POV: Adeline

My body feels so achy and tired that it's making my usually uncomfortable bed feel like a cloud. I can't even feel how itchy my sheets usually are.

I'm so comfy that I never want to wake up, but something makes me peak, opening one of my eyes to glance into my room to see what's making everything feel off and better than it should.

I bolt upright, the silky covers covering my body slipping down and the plush I was hugging being tossed aside as my head swivels around, trying to figure out where I am.

The entire room is a nice shade of green and the wall behind the bed's headboard is a green wallpaper. The furniture is all nice woods and it all looks very nice. There's one quite large window but the curtains are drawn over it so I can't tell how big it is, and there's two doors out of the room.

Trying to keep calm, I pull the covers off me, pausing as I realise the room isn't the only thing different.

On my body is completely different clothes and my hands are covered with weird mitten gloves, velcro holding them tight around my wrists.

Throwing the covers off the last bit of my body to see if there's anything else different since I can feel a weight around one of my ankles, I have to take a moment to comprehend what I see.

Secured around my ankle is a thick green cuff attached to a chain. Struggling to contain all of my panic, I start desperately fiddling with it and tugging at it, trying to find a way to get it off but the mittens are getting in the way. I can't use all my fingers with them on.

Desperate to get out of this and find out where I am, I bite the velcro and tear it off, spluttering as I get some of the fibres in my mouth. With one off, I take the other mitten off, throwing both of them on the floor, not wanting them anywhere near me.

With my fingers free, I start trying to pry the restraint off me but it doesn't budge. I can't even tell how this got put on me let alone how to take it off.

Tears are filling the bottom of my eyes making everything look blurry as I panic. I have no idea what to do to get out of this. I don't know what happened or where I am and I don't know how to figure it out.

Calm down. You're not going to get anywhere just sitting here crying.

I take some deep breaths until I'm sure I won't cry, taking a long look around the room I've been put in to look for any way I could get out.

There's two doors and a window. The window could be an option depending on how high this room is, but I should try the doors first. Though I won't be able to go far with this chain.

Wanting to know how far I go with this chain. It's definitely meant to keep me in here but I don't even know where its attached at the other end. Maybe it'll be  just long enough that I can look outside this room and start to understand where I am.

Carefully and slowly, I slip off the bed, my feet landing on the thick fluffy rug beneath the bed. It feels really plush and nice just like the bed making me think someone really took care to make this room nice just to trap me in it.

My eyes follow the chain on the floor, which is quite long, finding that the other end is attached to one of the bed posts at the end of the bed. I kneel on the floor to check it and see how secure it is.

No matter how I tug at it or try to move it, it stays put on the bed post leaving me with no choice but to be chained to it. It means I can't go far, but I can still check around this room and find what's behind the two doors.

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