a stormy night

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POV: Evane

"Adeline! I'm home!" I call out, having to be louder because of the heavy rain pouring down outside and the occasional thunder that rumbles through the air making my eardrums hurt.

I put my soaked coat by the door and take off my shoes so that I don't track water everywhere when I walk over to the living room where Addie usually is around this time, but she isn't anywhere in the living room or the kitchen.

Maybe she's in her bedroom?

I go and check but can't see her anywhere. She wouldn't be in my room, right? Despite my doubts, I check but can't find her there either.

Where the fuck is she?

I know she didn't escape because an alarm would have gone off, but I can't find her. This is like a really difficult game of hide and seek but I've already looked everywhere.

Using my strong sense of smell, I manage to track her scent to the room where it's the strongest- her bedroom.

"Addie? Where are you?" I can't even hide the worry in my voice. She in here, I know she is, but where?

Thinking that my nose must be wrong and her scent is only strongest in the room because of how much time she spends in it, I leave and return to the living room, placing my hands on my hips as I look around for any sign of her.

From behind me, I hear a small yap, turning to see Bambi looking up at me, his tail between his legs, whimpering as another clap of thunder echos followed closely by a flash of white light.

Feeling bad for the little guy, I pick him up, petting behind his ears but he doesn't cheer up at all. His ears and tail are as far down as they can go, and the only sound coming from him is a weak whimper.

"Do you know where your mama is?" I coo to him, instantly hating myself for using a baby voice.

His ears perk up a little as I use a baby voice to talk to him, wriggling in my arms until I put him down. He runs off back towards Addie's room, stopping at the door to look at me and make sure I'm following him.

I trail him into Addie's room, watching him scurry under the bed. Wondering where he's gone, I crouch down and look under Adeline's bed, finding her curled up under it and shaking, Bambi being cuddled in her arms, nudging her face.

Something's definitely wrong as she shelters under her bed, flinching when there's another loud rumble of thunder, curling up tighter around the puppy who gives her a worried look.

"Addie, are you okay?" I ask, keeping my voice as soft as I can. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She doesn't give me an answer, remaining curled around Bambi, her whole body shuddering and I can tell she's struggling to breathe. The sight of her like this is breaking my heart and I know I need to be delicate with her right now to convince her to get out from under her bed.

That's a spot she seems to find the safest when she wants to hide, but she isn't hiding from me this time. She panicking and I guess it's because of the storm, and under the bed is the only place she felt safe to hide from it.

"Can you please come out? I promise you're safe," I mutter to her, reaching my hand under the bed for her to take but she only curls up tighter, not even looking at me.

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