driving away

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POV: Mia

"I'm sorry, but you need to move."

She doesn't give me any response as I move her arm to be over my shoulder and wrap one of my arms around her waist. She's not too heavy, but I'm definitely not strong enough to fully pick her up.

Luckily she has just enough strength to stand, if a little wobbly and stumbling a lot as she walks beside me. She isn't leaning on me as much as I'd expected her to when she didn't budge when I first asked if she could stand.

She let's me lead her though, not putting up any kind of fight as I sit her down on the bench beside the door. She's completely out of it as I put on one of the pairs of shoes that looks like it would be hers based on the dress she's wearing.

This is a really pretty dress. I wonder what size she is? Maybe we're the same.

I know now isn't the time to be thinking about asking to borrow her dress sometime, but it's still a thought that crossed my mind. I just think it's really pretty and Connor would never buy one like it for me.

"There we go," I mutter as I finish buckling her shoes, not that I think she's really listening.

I sit beside her as I slip my trainers on, making sure the laces are tight before standing up. She feebly takes my hand as I hold it out for her, not expecting her to have actually accepted it but she did.

She's just taking her time to come back to reality so I'm not going to make her move too quickly. She needs some patience and I'm am willing to give her as much of that as she needs.

I lead her outside and help keep her steady as we walk over the gravel driveway. She stays in a daze even as I open the car door to the back seat, trying to help her into the back but she instantly freezes as she realises I'm trying to get her into the car.

As soon as she realises, she let's go of my hand and runs off seemingly in a panic. I'm left standing clueless by the car, too stunned to immediately follow her.

It takes a minute before I snap myself back to what's happening and follow after her. She ran down the side of the house so I follow her down there but because I didn't follow her immediately I don't know where she went after that.

I look around for a minute or so before I hear Connor calling out my name. I sigh and give up on my search for now, deciding that it'll give her more time to calm down and have some space, I go back towards the car to see what Connor wants.

"Where's Adeline?" He asks.

"Thank you for finally telling me her name, by the way," I sigh at him. "And I don't know...is that a dog?"

"Yes it is," he grumbles as the dog begins to wriggle around even more, desperate to be put down. The little creature definitely isn't fond of being held by someone it doesn't know.

"I thought Evane didn't like animals."

"She doesn't, so I'm presuming it's her mate's."

"If you know her name, please use it," I snap at him. If the girl has a name then I'd prefer he use it rather than referring to her as 'Evane's mate'.

He repeats his question of where she is and I just shrug. The dog squirming in his arms is really a distraction to me. The little guy is just so cute. No wonder Evane had to keep him around. I would have thrown a fit too if Connor ever tried to take such an adorable thing away from me.

As Connor gets more annoyed with the little thing, I take it from him and place him on the ground, almost certain that this entire property is secure. There shouldn't be any where he can slip out and escape.

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