searching the house

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POV: Connor

"Evane! Answer the bloody door!" I yell as I bang my fist against her front door.

I've been out here for a minute already and she hasn't answered. She knew I was coming over so why hasn't she answered? Is she fucking her mate or something?

"Have you tried the handle?" Mia suggests as she steps up behind me.

"No, actually. I haven't."

Mia smirks at me before reaching around me and checking the handle. Her other arm goes around my waist, slipping her fingers under the edge of my shirt to feel my abs. She withdraws her hand from my body as the door opens.

"See," she proudly states. "Unlocked already."

"Yeah, yeah. Just get inside," I sigh, pressing my hand against her back to push her inside. "Take your shoes off or Evane will kill you."

"You wouldn't let her do that to me, would you?" She playfully gasps, placing her hand on her chest.

Ugh, she's so beautiful.

I hope Evane's mate is like Mia, for Evane's sake. She needs someone this sweet and playful to get her mind off of always being so serious with her work. I also hope she has the tough side Mia has so that she can call out Evane's shit.

"Just take your shoes off," I instruct her, leaning down and kissing her forehead. "I'm going to go look for Evane and her mate. They should be here somewhere."

"Oh. So you can walk around with your shoes on but I can't?" She mutters under her breath.

"I heard that," I call to her as I go further into the house.

"I know you did. You were meant to," she replies, pulling a wide cheeky grin over her rosy lips.

I smile back as I go round the corner to start looking for Evane or her mate - Adeline, I think her name was - so that someone knows we're here. I don't know what Evane intends to do since I doubt she's going to let her mate out.

She has seemed very protective and I was honestly lucky to convince her to let me come over today. I thought she'd keep her mate completely isolated and it truly seems like that's the case still. I just want to see who her mate is and get to know her.

Maybe she could even become friends with Mia. I think that would be nice for both of them.

"Evane! Where are you? For fucks sake," I yell out, getting tired of looking for either of them.

Just as I get annoyed I hear something that helps me locate them. I walk up to the closed door and knock but the muffled sound doesn't stop. I don't want to interrupt them but they have guests over so they should at least greet us.

Me and Mia have better timing than them, but maybe that's the mate thing - I don't know.

I knock again and try the handle, finding it locked.

Just as I'm about to leave them be until they're finished, something in my gut tells me to get in there. Something doesn't sound right and it's concerning me.

"Evane. I'm coming in, okay?" I call through the door, using my strength to break the handle and lock so that I can finally enter the room.

I only open the door a little bit before my concerns are met and I'm glad I followed my gut and checked on them.

Evane has who I presume is Adeline pinned on the bed, giving the poor girl no room to move. Evane is touching every part of the girl she can while focusing on her neck and exposed shoulders.

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