a stormy night Pt.2

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POV: Adeline

How did I get into bed?

I was laying on the couch cuddling Bambi, at least that's the last thing I remember. Probably means I fell asleep and Evane carried me to my room and tucked me in.

Bambi is still cuddled in my arms looking very content, his tail softly wagging at the very tip as he snoozes, slowly stirring as he realises I'm awake. He opens his mouth wide and stretches out his front paws as he wakes up, nudging my face as he sees I'm awake.

I don't know what woke me up though. The rain outside is a bit heavy again and is pounding against my window but I don't think it would be loud enough to have woken me up. Maybe Bambi nudged me in his sleep and didn't realise it.

While I wonder what caused me to wake up, starting to believe that it was only my mind that woke me up, my question is soon answered as a loud rumble erupts around me.

I instantly cover my ears to protect them from the sound, panic washing over me in a sudden tsunami.

I hate thunderstorms. I hate them so much. They bring back too many bad memories, but I can't block out the sound. It's all around me and nothing drowns it out.

Knowing that I'm panicking, Bambi nudges me, softly licking my face to get my attention onto him rather than the thoughts in my mind. I sit up and run my fingers through his fur, finding there to be a lot more since he has grown quite a bit.

He's no longer the little skinny puppy I rescued. He's a lot more chubby and is quite a bit bigger. Bambi's not as big as he'll get, but he's getting close.

Even with Bambi helping me the best he can, he's not able to calm me down no matter how much I hug him and pet his fur.

"I can't stay here on my own," I admit, mumbling into Bambi's fur. "I hate her, but I can't be in here on my own if there's more thunder."

He looks up at me confused as I start wrapping up the blanket around my shoulders, letting it hang off me like a cloak as I slip off my bed, putting on my soft green slippers. The house gets really cold when it rains, even with the heating on, so Evane got me some warm and comfy slippers to walk around in.

Bambi manages to hop off the bed all on his own, looking very pleased with himself for doing it without my help. He stays close by my heels as I pick up a plush toy from my bed, hugging it tight, squeezing it even tighter when I hear another rumble.

When another follows closely behind it, I can't stop myself from falling to the floor, kneeling down as I cover my ears. Bambi nudges me, worried that I'm going to have another panic attack.

As the rumble quietens, I rub Bambi's head and muster the strength to stand up, balancing myself with the walls as I leave my room, covering my ears at every loud clap of thunder and hiding against the walls.

It takes me a ridiculously long time to reach Evane's bedroom door. Once I get there I can't get the courage to knock.

I don't want to disturb her while she's sleeping. What if she gets mad at me for waking her up in the middle of the night? I don't know what sets her off so this might.

I end up just standing outside her bedroom door, my hand raised in a small fist ready to knock against the wood. I don't have the strength to knock and risk disturbing her and making her angry at me. I don't want a punishment again. Especially not when I'm already panicking.

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