getting home

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POV: Evane

I'm back home to her after being at work all day again.

As I'd suspected, being away from her for so long makes my heart physically ache and makes me incredibly anxious to get back to her. That anxiety means I keep checking on her through the cameras around the house, not that she's usually doing much.

All I've seen her do for the past couple of days has been sitting in the living room watching TV and playing with Bambi on the floor. Occasionally I've seen her cooking but she doesn't do much with her time alone. Well... she usually doesn't.

I want to see what she has to say once I get home. Will she act innocent and clueless, or will she admit what she did? As I park in front of the house and take out my key from the car, I'm excited to see. But first, I'm excited to see her. She might not be excited to see me, but I've been longing all day to see her.

A small smile is on my lips, revealing my excitement, as I step up to the front door and unlock it, immediately hearing the mumbled sound of the TV as I step into the house. I'm not met with her smiling face like how I am in my dreams, but that's fine.

I walk into the living room to see the back of her head as she sits on the couch, lounging like she usually does. Since she has nothing to do, it does kind of make me feel bad for keeping her here. If I could trust her not to run away then I'd allow her to go out and walk Bambi in the fields or wherever she wanted, but I can't yet so she's stuck being bored indoors.

"Have you had dinner yet?" I ask, taking my phone out of my pocket and placing it beside my keys on the small table next to the door.

"Not yet," she nonchalantly replies, not even looking at me. Her focus remains on the TV and she honestly doesn't seem bothered about having dinner.

"Anything you're craving?" I ask, trying to sound cheery but I am a little annoyed at how determined she is to ignore me. Not annoyed - more upset at her intentionally ignoring me.


"There has to be something you want to eat," I push, really wanting to cook her something and do something for her since I haven't all day.

"I'm not hungry."

I hum and walk up behind her, leaning on the back of the couch and start watching what she has put on the TV to entertain herself. She abruptly switches off the TV and gets up from the couch, helping Bambi down onto the floor so that he can follow at her heels like he always does.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To my room," she bluntly replies, not even glancing back at me.

"Do you really not want anything for dinner?"

"I'm not hungry right now. If I want something, I'll get it for myself later," she answers, still walking away.

"Adeline," I call, repeating her name when she still doesn't stop.

She groans and stops, finally turning to look at me, and she looks annoyed. I haven't even done anything to her today that deserves such a glare, so what has put her in such a bad mood?

"What's wrong?" I ask, leaning against the couch while I wait for her response.


"That's a lie. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she says, her voice getting higher as she starts getting annoyed at me pressing for a proper answer.

"Come on, something's wrong. You even went outside today, so why are you so grumpy?"

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