a breath of fresh air

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POV: Adeline

She should be gone by now.

Evane's started going back to work a couple of days ago and she really likes routine so I already know when she leaves. I have gotten into the small habit of waiting about an hour after she leaves before leaving my room to explore.

I've been as well behaved as I possibly can be while she's been gone since I know she has cameras everywhere in this place. Hopefully if she starts to believe that I won't make trouble on my own, she won't be checking the cameras as often so I can actually start to snoop around and find my way out of here.

Bambi scratches at the door, wanting to get out of my room as I sit on my bed watching the clock. I ignore him until the clock ticks over to the next hour since she left.

He whines at the door when I still don't move to open the door for him. I love the pup but he does need to learn a little patience. He only waits for certain things that I've trained him to.

"Okay," I murmur to myself, trying to hype myself up to finally start finding my escape route out of here.

I open the door to my bedroom and look out into the corridor, Bambi scurrying out towards the living room, confused when I don't follow him. He yaps at me, only getting more confused and tilting his head to the side when I go the opposite direction, towards Evane's room.

She's said it's alright for me to look anywhere that's unlocked, and her bedroom is the last place that she's left unlocked that I haven't checked. I doubt I'll find anything useful in there but it could give me a slightly better idea about her.

Bambi whines but eventually falls silent as he curiously trails behind me.

There's no need for me to be sneaky, she isn’t here, but I still make sure my feet are quiet as I walk up to her door. With a deep breath, I open the door and step into her room, instantly hating it.

She really needs to learn what colour is and how to use it in her decorations. Her room is almost worse than the living room. It's almost completely black and it's boring.

Bambi stays close by my heels as I walk around her room, checking the two doors coming off it. Just a boring bathroom and a boring walk-in wardrobe. All her clothes even follow the same black colour palette.

Finding nothing of interest, I go to leave her room, pausing as an idea comes to mind. Nothing serious, just enough to maybe annoy her a little.

Small jabs at her is all I can do until she relents and let's me go.

I scurry back into her bathroom, hiding the towels and her shampoo in awkward places. Either really high up, or low down, or far back into the cupboard under the sink. With the bathroom sorted, I go back into her bedroom, finding her hair brush and hiding that too.

She's a clean person and likes to have her hair brushed and smooth so hiding her hair brush is probably one of the most annoying things I can do currently. Just enough to ruin a little bit of her day.

Content with how much I've hidden, I finally leave her room, Bambi trailing behind me, hopeful that I'll go towards the living room but I instead turn to keep going down the corridor.

There has to be a door outside somewhere other than the front door. She has a back garden, I know it.

I can't get out the front because of the gate. It's too tall to climb and needs a code to open so that's not an option for me. Just means I need to find a weak spot or low point in the fence or hedge that I can slip through.

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