the vets

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POV: Evane

Is this sick?

Honestly, until Adeline yelled it at me I hadn't thought much about it. I'd thought she'd understand that we're soul mates and would settle in much quicker than she has, not that she'd start thinking deeper into it than I ever have.

Since I was a kid, almost a hundred years ago now, I've always known about soul mates and the importance of them.

They're meant to be the perfect person and understand everything about you and love you unconditionally. Every single person in my family that has their soul mate has never had any problems with how they got their mate.

Granted, I'm one of the few that has a human mate and humans can't consciously feel the bond, but even the ones that also have human mates have never had this problem. Their mates just accepted it and allowed everything to happen without so much as questioning it.

I've never questioned it either when my mated family members would brag about how they got their mates and trained them. Not once did I ever think of their tales of how they nabbed their mates and trained them to be obedient as being sick.

Glancing at the TV that is showing the feed from Adeline's room, I see she has barely moved, not even to get her breakfast that is still sat on the desk.

Oh, Mittens. What do you want me to do?

Even if I did let her go now, what could I do to get her back? She'd leave me instantly and get as far away as she could to never see me again.

Maybe if I had asked her out normally I wouldn't have this problem now, but I still doubt that she'd ever have said yes if I did. I was her boss so she'd probably refuse me no matter how I asked.

I need to pick up Bambi in a little bit and Addie has been refusing to talk to me since I grounded her. I didn't like doing it since she isn't a child but I didn't know any other way to punish her without being too harsh. Hopefully having Bambi back will convince her to at least speak to me a little again.

Getting up from the couch, I turn off the TV and go to her room, wanting to tell her that I'm leaving to get Bambi to see if that will lift her mood.

I knock on her door before unlocking it, peering in and flicking on the main light that she turned off. My kitten curls up tighter under her bed sheets as I turn it on, pulling the covers over her head to ignore me.

"I'm going out to pick up Bambi," I sigh, already going to leave her alone again.

"Can I come with you?" She mumbles.

If I take her with me then it might make her feel a little better. With all honesty though, I don't want to take her with me to the vets.

It isn't quite a normal vet. They take care of werewolves and the pets mostly from non-humans so taking Addie, a very obvious human, there seems risky. I won't be too long either so it would just be better to keep her at home.

"Please. I promise I'll be good," she pleads, pulling the covers down from her face to give her cutest puppy eyes.

"Fine," I sigh.

Shit. I'd meant to say no.

Adeline seems to perk up instantly, bolting up from her bed, tossing her covers off her to scurry up to me looking very eager. Her eyes are alive for what must be the first time in a month making my heart melt.

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