washing up

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POV: Adeline

I'm so bored.

This room is nice and I've been playing with Bambi a lot, but I'm bored out of my mind.

There's no TV, or books on the bookshelves, or anything I can entertain myself with. I hadn't noticed it when I was first looking around my room on my first day in it, but now it's hard to ignore.

I've been in my room for three days and I've been too scared to ask Evane for a book or something to keep me entertained when Bambi is napping or she has to take him out to use the bathroom.

She hasn't done anything bad to me - except kidnapping and drugging me - but she's still scary. Plus, I'm a coward and easily intimidated by her.

There is one thing I really need to ask her about though and I can't ignore it anymore.

I need to ask her to take the chain off me so that I can finally bathe. My body feels disgusting and my hair is greasy and I definitely smell a little, but Evane hasn't even addressed it.

She did try to convince me to let her brush my teeth, which I eventually had to relent to, but that's made me nervous that she'll want to bathe me too if I ask about it.

Evane hasn't come to my room yet this morning but I know she will soon. She's been trying to get me into a routine and I hate to admit that it's working. I've already been waking up early just before she comes in with my breakfast that is always filling.

Checking the clock, she should be here soon to give me breakfast and take Bambi out to use the toilet in the garden she must have, though I don't know because I haven't had the opportunity to see outside the room she keeps me locked in.

On cue, a knock comes from the door and I hear the lock click before Evane comes in, giving me a smile as she sees I'm awake. She places the tray of food and a smoothie down on the desk while I watch her closely and Bambi scurries around her feet knowing its time for him to go outside.

"Okay," Evane suddenly says. "You can eat while I take Bambi outside to do his business. I'll be back in a few minutes...."

Her sentence trails off as she realises I'm kind of staring at her, making it quite obvious that I want to say something to her.

"Is something wrong, Adeline?" She asks, her smile dropping as I play with my fingers, struggling to figure out the words and muster the courage to actually say it.

"Um...I was wondering if maybe....um...," I murmur, barely getting the words out louder than a whisper.

"Speak up please, Adeline," she sighs.

I know she doesn't like me muttering but I really can't get my voice any louder. I can barely form the words let alone get them out loud enough for her to hear but she's going to ignore me if I can't get my voice to be at least slightly louder than a mumble.

"I was wondering if maybe you could take the chain off me so that I can take a shower," I manage to blurt out, instantly getting quiet again as I wait for her response.

She hums for a moment before speaking to me.

"Eat your breakfast," she shortly states, sounding almost annoyed that I asked.

Evane goes to leave my room, Bambi trailing behind her, giving me a brief glance before skipping after her.


I grumble as I'm left alone in my room again, the door closed to stop me from even trying to look outside the door. With no other choice of something to do, I sit at the desk and poke at my food, occasionally taking a bite.

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