a sleepy kitten

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POV: Evane

Oh dear, Mittens. Did you see your collar? Did you like it? It's your favourite colour.

My poor little one saw her collar long before I had intended to, but I hope she liked it. I had it made specially for her. It's softer than most materials so it won't hurt her and the perfect shade of green, just for her.

She seemed a little startled when I caught her, ass up, under my desk, and I'm sure she was truly picking up the papers she accidentally dropped, but she was definitely being a little nosy too.

I watched her under my desk for quite a while, longer than it would take if she were actually just picking up papers. Of course I took the time to admire her a little. She was kind enough to wear a short skirt today with nothing underneath to shield her knickers from me as she bent under my desk.

It was so difficult to restrain myself. I wanted to chain her with her collar right then and there and finally have her as mine, but she isn't ready for that yet. She'd try to run and would yell the instant I did it, alerting everyone in the office and I don't need that.

Once she's home she can yell and scream as much as she needs to before she settles. I'm fine with her expressing herself, but she doesn't seem to express herself at all at the moment. That's just because she's uncomfortable with me and I don't think she has anyone to talk to in the office.

My poor little one doesn't seem to have any friends inside or outside of work. I've watched over her for a while and she never talks to anyone. She only spends her time at work and alone in her small apartment, rarely even going out to get groceries.

Seeing her so lonely only makes my heart ache for her. I want to rescue her and be her friend as much as I am her mate. She shouldn't be lonely. She should have as many friends as she likes and wants, not be alone all day, everyday.

I want to rescue my little kitten but I need to build up a little more trust. My plan won't work if she's still treating me as her scary boss.

Granted, I'm not helping with that much and definitely wasn't earlier when I snapped at her. She even hit her head on my hardwood desk because she got so startled by me. I wanted to check that she was okay since she looked like she was about to cry, but I needed to make sure she wouldn't speak about what she saw under my desk.

People in the office gossip. I know that. And I know that my kitten doesn't gossip, but that doesn't mean she won't accidentally let it slip or try to tell someone.

They already gossip about her, and I'm planning on firing all of them, but not just yet. I have a lot on my hands trying to get everything ready for my kitten to come home, so firing everyone and getting an entire new department would be a little too much on my plate.

I am glad that she liked my gift though. She's been spinning and leaning back on her new chair all day looking very pleased. I had to put a few more new ones around the office so that she wouldn't get suspicious and the others wouldn't get too jealous, and it seems to have worked. No one's questioned it at all.

It was adorable to see her confusion turn to excitement this morning when she got to work. She was so befuddled when she found a different chair at her desk but as soon as she sat in it she looked so happy. She took a few minutes to just spin in it and adjust it a little to her liking before getting on with her work.

She's so cute.

Even though she was adorable this morning, she still didn't eat all of her lunch and that soured my mood a little. I have her entire schedule memorised and I immediately noticed when she didn't get up to get her lunch. I left it for a while, thinking she was just in the flow of her work and was going to finish it and then get food, but she didn't.

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