back in the office

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POV: Adeline

I'm finally back to work.

As much as I had a good time spending the whole week playing and snuggling with Bambi, I did get a bit bored since I couldn't really take him out for a walk. He's too young and taking him out too often would probably make someone suspicious and they'd rat me out to the landlord and get me and Bambi evicted.

I'm glad to be getting back to work even though I do feel a little bad for leaving Bambi alone. I'll make sure to give him extra cuddles when I get home to make up for it.

I managed to snag a few photos of Bambi to show Evane though she wasn't in her office when I arrived since she's in an early meeting so I've been getting on with a little bit of work while keeping an eye out for her.

A few pieces of work that I have I need to print and deliver to her so that'll give me a chance to show her the adorable pictures of Bambi I have. They're all of him being adorable and playful or sleeping. I even have short videos of him eating and getting spooked by his own shadow.

I think she'll like them and maybe she'll crack a friendly smile, even just for a moment.

After a few hours of working and keeping a watchful eye out for her, she finally shows up but she looks a little mad. Her fists are clenched and her eyes are dark as she storms through the office to get to hers.

I'll give her a few minutes to cool off.

I continue getting on with my work and printing off the few documents I need, which takes about another hour, deciding that I've left her long enough. She should've cooled down by now and its less likely that she'll be angry at me.

Before I go to her office, I grab my phone so that I can show her the pictures of Bambi. If she is in a bad mood then pictures of him should cheer her up. He's very cute and is very good at cheering me up when I'm stressed or upset.

As I walk to her office I'm oddly excited. I haven't seen her for a week and some part of me has been really excited to see her again, which I don't understand since I usually find her intimidating and not someone I'd want to see more of. Being off work though has really made me miss being able to see her.

I skip up to her office with the papers I just printed in hand and my phone tucked in my pocket, knocking on the door in a little tune, just waiting for her voice to call through so that I can come in. It doesn't take long either.

As soon as I hear her voice, I open the door, slipping into her freezing office and closing the door behind me. A smile can't help but come across my face as I see her at her desk, a smile coming across her face as she sees mine.

"Welcome back, Adeline," she greets, leaning back in her chair as she stops typing. "You look very chipper."

"I am," I hum. "I brought you some paperwork and the pictures of Bambi that you requested."

I place the papers on her desk and scurry round her desk to stand next to her, getting my phone out as I stand beside her. It takes a minute for me to get the pictures up since my phone is a little slow because I can't afford to buy myself a new one.

She patiently waits for me to get the pictures, her smile getting a little wider as I eagerly gush about my little pup, showing her all the pictures I got of him. She intently watches the videos of him eating in his usual stupid pose and him being spooked by his shadow before scurrying back to me.

I keep the sound of the videos off though since in both I'm kind of cackling since I found it so funny while I was filming. It was difficult to keep my phone steady since I was laughing so hard.

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