back seat of the car

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POV: Adeline

"She treats me more like I pet than how I treat you," I mumble to Bambi.

I've been sat cross-legged on the back seat for I think fifteen minutes already just petting Bambi and shit talking Evane. For the first five minutes I battled against the leash keeping me in the back seat but I gave up since I wasn't making any progress and came to the conclusion that there was no point anyway.

Even if I did manage to get the leash off me, I'd still be trapped in her car. I'm not strong enough to break any of the windows so I'd be stuck in here either way.

There isn't much point in trying.

All I can do is pet Bambi and keep looking out the window, checking for Evane since she said she wouldn't be too long. I'm getting bored, and I'm hungry since I didn't eat my breakfast this morning.

Maybe I can convince Evane to get something on the way back to the house.

I puff my cheeks as I sigh, petting Bambi's head as I stare out of the window at the door to the veterinary office just waiting for her to finally leave. I shrink away from the window whenever someone else walks by before appearing again to keep watching out for her.

She can't just restrain me in her car and not come back.

I move the collar around my neck as it starts to tug awkwardly on me as I go as far as it will allow me to while I observe out the window. This collar is so inconvenient for me but I can't get it off even when I looked in the front mirror to try and figure out the latch.

As I fiddle with it, I don't even notice Evane leaving the building until she knocks on the window, startling me. She opens the door, checking on the collar around my neck with a soft smile, muttering an apology for scaring me.

"What took you so long?" I whine, slapping away her hand as she adjusts the collar, moving it back to the position that was uncomfortable.

"There was a lot of paperwork," she excuses.

She closes the door before walking around the car to get into the drivers seat, turning around in her seat to check on me as I sit in the backseat, adjusting the collar back to where it was comfortable.

I grumble, something telling me there was a little more keeping her back but I'm not going to question it. She lies a lot so I can't really be bothered to push for the truth right now.

"Are you ready to go home?" Evane asks, and I just shrug.

It's not like you're going to take me anywhere else.

"Put your seatbelt on, please," Evane tells me, turning forward in her seat as she starts up the car.

I lift Bambi off my lap and pull the seat belt over me, helping Bambi back onto my lap as I turn to watch out the window while Evane drives back to the house. I doubt I'll be able to, but I want to memorise as much of the roads around Evane's house as I can just in case I ever do make an escape.

Continuously moving the collar around, I watch intently, trying to memorise each turn and I think she knows because this definitely wasn't the way we took to the vet.

I could swear I hear Evane chuckle in the front seat as I puff my cheeks and frown, not pleased that we're taking a different route. Knowing I'm not going to memorise this different route, I turn away from the window and go back to petting Bambi.

His fur is so soft and starts to soothe me and my growing anxiety of being in the backseat of Evane's car. The only things keeping my mind at bay is that Evane's car is really clean and she's driving quite carefully.

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