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Cupid left Dexter after a while, giving him all the support she had to offer.

She grabbed some punch and smiled to herself.

"What are you smiling about?"

Cupid paused, sighed as she looked to the left.

"Hello, Alistair."

He chuckled. "Was it Dexter? I saw you guys practically making out back there." He winked. "Great party by the way." Cupid almost choked on her punch. She glared at Alistair. "I was simply encouraging him, get a life." She began walking away. Alistair grabbed himself some punch and walked beside Cupid, catching up to her. "I got to say, I truly am impressed that you were able to pull this off."

Cupid laughed. "I am spell-tacular, what can I say?"

Alistair looked at her dress. "Cute dress, you look lovely today." Cupid eyed him warily. "Don't I always?"

He shook his head, a teasing smile present on his face.

Cupid shook her head and chuckled. "Look at yourself, aren't you a pretty boy today?"

Alistair nudged her gently.

He suddenly stopped walking. Cupid's eyebrows furrowed. She looked behind her. Alistair was staring at the corner. Her eyes followed the direction of Alistair's, and caught the sight of Bunny. She was standing alone, making herself look small, unseen. Cupid gave Alistair a wink. "Looks like you have a lady to dance with tonight, pretty boy."

Alistair's ears pinked. He cleared his throat. "Well, I can't let her stand alone like that, right?"


Alistair smiled. He pat Cupid's arm. "Okay then, I'll see you around."

"Hopefully not."

Alistair then walked away from her, approaching Bunny. Once Bunny caught Alistair's figure, she sighed with relief.

Cupid gave both of them a wave.


A few hours had passed. The atmosphere of the party began to die down. Cupid looked at the clock. She walked up to the stage. The DJ, Melody Piper, saw Cupid and excused herself from the stage. The people neared the stage and cheered for Cupid. She gave them a big grin.

Cupid pulled out a book. The True Heart's Day book, that she so loved. "Now," she began. "Since True Heart's Day hasn't been celebrated in such a long time, I wanted to tell everyone what it's all about."

She cleared her throat and opened the book to page 1. The crowd became quiet, listening intently.

"Once upon a time, there grew a very special tree. The Heart Tree. And even if the winter was harsh, and the other trees fail to bloom, The Heart Tree blossomed no matter what. And so, our fairy tale ancestors gave the blossoms to each other on True Heart's Day. To show that, even though it's not always easy," she paused and smiled.

"True love, will always find a way."

She saw Ashlynn and Hunter lock eyes with each other.

"And so, to encourage all of us to follow our true heart..." she stopped and whistled. The eyes of the crowd left Cupid, and landed on the flying fairies, carrying a blossom in each of their hands. The fairies dropped the blossoms, and the people began catching it in their hands.

"Make sure to give yours to someone special to you."

Cupid felt a touch on her arm. She turned and saw Ashlynn, standing on the stage beside her. "Tonight... Hunter?" She looked at Hunter, standing in the crowd. "When I listened to my true heart, it tells me that you're my prince charming."

The crowd gasped.

Hunter's jaw dropped.

Blondie interrupted their sweet interaction. "But, how can you be a royal, and date Hunter?"

Ashlynn looked down. "I don't know," she spoke gently. "But, if writing our own happily ever after means that I can't be a royal," Her eyes caught Hunter's again. She smiled. "Then call me Ashlynn Ella, the rebel!"

Everyone cheered for the two of them.

Cupid felt herself blossoming.

The true heart finds a way, after all.

Ashlynn went down from the stage, holding a blossom in her hands. She walked in Hunter's direction. "I'd like to give this to you Hunter," she held out the blossom, hopeful. "If you'll have it." Hunter's eyes softened. He reached out to Ashlynn. "Of course!"

The couple hugged.

The people stared at them and clapped for them.

Apple White began walking to them.

Ashlynn turned. "Apple," she said. She didn't know how Apple would feel, but she hoped Apple would understand. "I'm so sorry, I just had to do what-" Ashlynn stopped herself. Apple was holding her blossom to Ashlynn. She looked down at Apple's hands and took the blossom. "Why are you giving this to me?" she asked, confused.

Apple's eyes were downcast. "I might be worried about you, and I might think you're doing the wrong thing," she lifted her face to Ashlynn's. "But I want you to know, that we'll always be friends, no matter what," she insisted. Apple put her hands on her heart. "That's what's in my true heart."

Ashlynn's faced light up.

"Thank you, Apple," she said breathlessly. "You're the best."

Apple giggled. "I know," she joked.

Cupid watched the whole thing with a pleased expression.

Cerise went up to her, "Hey Cupid, you seen Cedar? I can't find her anywhere."

"Oh, Cedar had something very important to do tonight," she laughed. She told Cerise her master plan.

Cerise shook her head in disbelief. "You told Cedar the wrong spot, because you knew Duchess would try to get it out of her!" Cupid laughed and nodded. Cedar walked to them. "Then she left me a note back in the dorm, telling me the real party was here." Cedar held her hand up, and Cupid high fived the girl.

Mission success.

Cupid looked around, everyone were truly having a blast. She put her hands on her hips, feeling successful. Cupid walked out, to get some air. She went through the back and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Walking outside was a completely different atmosphere. It was calm and quiet, unlike the echoes of the booming music right behind the closed doors. She could hear soft birds chirping, filling the air with a melancholic but sweet tune. She closed her eyes, tilting her chin upwards at the night sky above her.

The door behind her opened.

Cupid opened her eyes. She looked behind her, and found the face of Alistair Wonderland. "What are you doing here Alistair?" Alistair looked up at the sky. "I think I should be asking you that question."

Cupid crossed her arms together.

"You should be spending time with Bunny," she said. Alistair laughed. "Oh, I've danced with her like 3 times already. Trust me, I've spent time with her." Cupid smiled at him. A slow song played behind them. Alistair looked at Cupid. "But, you on the other hand, were clearly too busy to have fun."

Cupid scoffed, "I had fun!"

He rolled his eyes. "Did you even dance with anyone-"


"-Other than Blondie?"

Cupid closed her mouth.

"Yep, that's what I thought."

The song continued to play behind the door.

He exhaled deeply. "I love this song." Cupid nodded. "Me too."

Alistair turned to face Cupid, he extended his hand. Cupid eyed him, her eyes showing her confusion.

Alistair rolled his eyes. 

"Dance with me."

The Second Time Cupid Fell - C.A Cupid × Alistair WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now