Favorite place

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Rey smiles seeing the look of wonder and awe on your face as the two of you explore Guadalajara taking your time since the two of you would be in the city for the next two weeks. The two of you had been planning on going on vacation together choosing between quite a few different places from Tokyo and Milan to guadalajara and Adelaide it ended up being close between Mexico and Japan before finally deciding on guadalajara feeling excited to visit and stay in a place you had never been to for the first time and rey feels his heart swell seeing the biggest smile on your face as you explored the city the first day having dinner and falling asleep waking up to a nice breakfast before continuing your exploration with rey following behind watching you interact with children playing and an old woman who gave you flowers saying something which you didn't understand until he tells you "She said you're prettier than any of the flowers growing here" he was already head over heels for you but seeing your already big smile grow even more made him fall for you all over again at the compliment the lady gave you. Over the next few days rey only fell for you all over again and again knowing that you were the one even though the two of you had been together for the past five and a half months deciding to wait just a little longer before he would take the step for your shared future "This is my new favorite place for us" he raises a brow as you giggle sweetly turning him to honey in that spilt second "Cause it's made me fall in love with you even more and all over again and think of the future with you" he pulls you into a soft kiss truly being speechless that you felt and said exactly what he was as the two of you share churros before spending the next few hours of the night wrapped and tangled together with paused kisses and moans molded together as you sleep both of you knowing and hardly able to wait for the impending future the two of you will share together.

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