Paradise hell

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The sights and sounds of the rainforest leave you and Max in awe like children as the two of you explore the forest on a trail unaware of any disaster. The two of you began your way back to the campsite near the beginning of the trail until the two of you noticed that there were no more signs around as it grew darker over the next few hours leading to the two of you huddle together inside an old tree, thunder boomed waking the two of you up as the forest collapsed in on itself before you and Max were swept away and separated in the flood which was the beginning of the journey to find and reunite with each other along with endless hell in what should have been a paradise vacation to get away from your hectic schedules and make up for the lost time together from the past three months of being on the road and wrestling. You ate many fruits until you collapsed in pain from fire ants biting you and your feet swelling from a fungal infection while max laid on the ground covered in mud so he wouldn't be bitten by anymore mosquitos that had left many bites along his body after the flood was over, the next three days were an eternity for the both of you as you both wondered what happened to the other and each started thinking that you were going insane as you hear voices which only confirmed your suspicion until you heard a familiar yell breaks your mind out of it's fog and makes you cry in joy instead of despair, "Fuck that's the third damn snake! Why the hell are there so many!?" sobs pour out as you run around before bumping into max and both of you fall down a bit startled until you lock eyes with each other. "Oh my God Maxie!" you both cried while holding each other before sharing a kiss that grew into a series of emotional chaotic kissing before the two of you ran hand in hand to get the hell out of the forest in any way you could leading to the two of you trekking through mud water before hearing a boat's engine which stopped hearing your yells and seeing the two of you holding onto each other while trying to swim, the two of you held each other tightly while looking at the pink and orange sky that was still so beautiful to you even after the horrors of the rain forest until the two of you were in the hospital being checked over and treated for malnutrition and dehydration along with the fungus and respiratory infections the two of you had spending the last week of your vacation in the hospital before returning home and spending the rest of your four weeks off at home together slowly healing from the paradise hell but you knew that no matter what or how long healing would take for both of you that you would always be by each other's side through every step of the way.

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