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Hikaru was worried when you called her sobbing leading her to stop her workout and rush home where she finds you on the couch curled in a ball. "What's wrong baby?" you had been in so much pain for the past month that persisted even when you took pain relievers and rested but nothing helped at all leading you to go to the doctor two weeks back and being tested to see what could be causing you so much pain, earlier that day you got called by your doctor who told you the results of the autoimmune testing which was positive for Crohn's disease and every symptom listed matched your own to a perfect T that left you in tears after hanging up and calling hikaru while she was at the gym working out with Toni, Willow, and Kris until you called and only said, "Please come home". She helps you learn to manage your overbearing symptoms with strong anti inflammatories along with steroids, changes in your diet to add more plant based foods, and getting a bowel resection surgery six months later which helped so much with the pain and being able to pass stool better that took more pain away to your immense relief, there were episodes where you had to get the occasional and unfortunate enema whenever you couldn't pass stool normally or with the small help of laxatives but you were still fairly healthy despite all of your problems with crohn's and with hikaru by your side supporting and looking after you was what kept you going through every single time you cried and wanted it to stop which always ended with you in her arms as she massaged the pain away while having a heating pad on your belly.

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