Remember that you feel

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Normally the tingling in your body wasn't too bad but you felt like you were being electrocuted right now as you try to catch your breath without success. Julia knew something wasn't right watching you walk out of the ring after your match immediately picking up on the fact that you were almost trembling as you shut yourself in your locker room for the next thirty minutes until she slowly walked in with water and a plate of warm stew, she places everything down before turning the lights off except the bathroom light so it wouldn't be completely dark as she grabs an ice pack and places it on the back of your neck "Just breathe, everything is okay and Dynamite is almost done so we won't have to be here long baby" you nod as she presses your back to her chest to help slow and even out your breathing while asking you different questions with each of your senses which helped grounded and calmed you as the burning in your body oozes out and the uncomfortable tingling in your body melted away in julia's arms. Once you drink half the water and eat some of the stew, the two of you go back to the comfort and quiet of your shared hotel room where she immediately pulls you into your arms "If you ever feel alone, don't because I'll always be here sweetie" your heart swells and a tender smile forms on your face before the two of you share paused kisses losing yourselves in the moment only focusing on each other "I love you my pretty girl, remember no matter what you have a right to feel emotions" the two of you lay in silence being held in her arms focusing on her heartbeat which helped calm your racing heart before julia leaves the room only to come back with pizza knowing a warm meal helped relax you after a panic attack and the icing on the cake was her putting on Finding Nemo which was a comfort movie for you "I love you too Jules", an hour later the two of you were tucked under the covers asleep with her hand in your hair and your head tucked in the crook of her neck.

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