Darkness turned to light

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Nick was quiet as he looked at the scars along your body after you pour your heart out to him about how you had the scars adorn on your body. The two of you had known each other and been great for two and a half years but it wasn't until three months back that the two of you began to explore the feelings with each other from small talk and dates to spending nights together and slowly opening up about your personal lives and early on in your careers, the one thing he didn't know about was the scars on your body from the tsunami you had went through five months back even though he knew you had went through the tsunami and survived he didn't know the real impact it had on you not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. After working out and training, the two of you went back to your house where paused kisses are shared until your heart sinks when his fingers trace over the scar on your rib leading to bursting into tears "What's wrong? Is that a scar?" you nod as you slowly took your shirt off leaving you in your bra and shorts as you faced away from him until chills run through you at him lightly caressing each scar with his finger tips until he slowly turns you to face him "This doesn't change how beautiful you are or how I feel for you" your heart melts as the gap is sealed with more tender kisses not expecting him to be on his knees gently kissing every scar on your body after clothes are thrown off throughout the room before your hands were intertwined together unable to control your tears at the soft endearments he whispers against your lips and skin, "The first woman I truly fell in love with, you have brought joy to my life and helped me more than you even know and these scars only show that you survived what life threw at you" after the intimate moment nick wakes up to find you awake due to the nightmares that still haunted you occasionally. He pulls you into his arms with your back against his chest intertwining your hands tightly "It happened so fast that one minute I was standing and the next I was underwater", he listens as you tell him every moment of your journey of going through, surviving, and the aftermath of the disaster "There are so many things I will never forget...but I also met wonderful people who I became friends with" his heart cracked hearing the things you went through but it also swells hearing how you helped lost children find their families until you passed out from exhaustion and pain leading to you having surgery for internal bleeding and removing your spleen "I am very proud of you not just for what you did after but that your not letting it define you" you had never felt more peace and joy in your life since the tsunami until this moment with nick as he holds you in his arms in a comforting silence with kisses and whispers shared throughout the evening and night together.

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