Sun poisoning

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You and Jamie laughed like little kids running around on the beach through sea foam feeling the sun kiss your skin as you walk into the water that immediately cooled you down. The two of you were having the time of your lives with having two weeks off spending the first week at the beach in Maryland and the next back at your shared home, you felt a slight stinging in your legs thinking it was because of laying on the sand and it getting into a razor bump you had from shaving but a second later your legs were bright red as the two of you walked back to the rental house you were staying in leading to you groaning in pain as cold water ran on you and made the pain in your legs worse feeling the nausea hit you like a freight train almost falling when you jump out of the shower and throw up which made jamie run in only to see you throwing up while drenched head to toe crying as the pain hit like lightning bolts in waves that grew worse and worse over the next thirty minutes. "I know baby, don't worry I'm here" she lays bags of ice on your legs as you lay on a spare mattress on the floor under the fan blowing full capacity throughout the room as jamie began to notice you showed signs of a fever feeling her heart stop when she takes your temperature and the thermometer saying that you had a 105.3 degree fever and it skyrocketed to 107.8 an hour and a half later as you threw up on and off with a cold wet rag on your forehead while sipping on water to stay hydrated quietly crying from the pain and shitty feeling you were experiencing while the night passed by slower and slower as each hour passed with you throwing up, ice being changed out, sitting in the tub full of cold water, and taking Tylenol along with a cold and flu medicine before you finally fell asleep at 3 in the morning on the mattress in nothing but your bra and underwear with ice on your legs and exposed to the air while jamie slept next to you on the floor. As soon as jamie woke up she looked to find you still asleep while the bags of ice were now water leading her to take your temperature after changing the ice out and resetting the wash cloth on your forehead, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in seeing your temperature was now 103.2 before making you a bowl of peas and mashed potatoes which you eat as you watched tv after sitting in the tub full of cold water again feeling better than you were last night feeling the chill from the ice run through as the unbearable burn dissipated over the next few hours until your legs were a light pink while the two of you laid on the couch watching tv losing track of time until you noticed while changing to go out for lunch that your legs were better which made you smile before having lunch and the two of you going back to the beach as the sun went down walking since the house in the middle of the night after hours of swimming spending the rest of the week on the beach but this time even more covered and sprayed in sunscreen never wanting sun poisoning again.

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