Wisdom teeth

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You wobble to the car with Kris beside you after getting two of your wisdom teeth removed gently talking to you whenever you moaned in pain trying to sleep if you could which you did for some of the way home. After setting you down on the bed you slowly spoon eat a milkshake before she gives you over the counter pain meds putting gauze in your mouth falling asleep a few seconds later waking up to use the bathroom with kris standing in the kitchen waiting for you and staying close to you until the anesthesia wears off reminding you not to drink soda or eat anything that requires tons of chewing mainly sipping on chocolate milk and eating mac n cheese to have something a bit solid while still being easy to eat so you wouldn't spend the next two days eating soup "Hey baby here's a little bread since that's easy to eat as well" you take a few bites of the bread roll she gives you before taking pain relievers watching tv in between talking with Orange, Hook, Willow, and Penta on facetime for the next few hours until kris hears everyone laughing "What's funny?" they point at you half asleep with your gauze sticking out quickly fixing it and kissing your forehead "Looked like a small deformed state puft marshmallow man"everyone bursts into laughter before ending the call waking up and watching tv before kris brings you soup opting to eat it and soaked up bread with milk before changing out your gauze feeling most of the pain going away. The next few days go by without pain and halfway through the third day you didn't use the gauze seeing that the bleeding had stopped feeling your eyes water at the sight of kris making hamburgers your mouth and taste buds melting when you took the first bite making kris laugh seeing the expression on your face as you eat the hamburger and fries "God I can finally ear without pain" you had two of the four wisdom teeth removed one cause it was infected and the other cause it was pushing on the nerves of the tooth under it keeping your other two since you had lost the previous two in a texas death match against Ruby letting them grow in and replace the lost ones, you enjoy eating like normal again without the unbearable pain coursing through you and you thank kris for taking care of you by making dinner the next night even though she insisted you didn't have to but you did anyway.

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