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Suga:- ahhh! Mom please let me sleep for some more time.... I don't wanna go to school today!

Suga's mom:- suga I am warning for one last time.. I will be back in 5 mins and I want you out of the bed and the blanket should be folded! Clear??

Suga:- MOM! pleaseeee I don't wanna go to schoolllll! 

Suga's mom:- just stop with that
" Don't want to go to school shit" And get up... You stay up all night scrolling your dam phone and then end up getting late in the morning... Now if you don't get up it will be the last day of your phone! Understood!??

(Every typical asian mom's dialogue)

Suga :-

(his mother was lecturing him while cleaning his study table he already rushed into washroom...
Suga's mother turned around to find yoongi no where )

Suga's mom:- aishh! That punk is always like that 😤

(After 15 mins yoongi came down  with his school bag , scrolling his phone, little did he know he was going to receive a flying  cushion on his face which messed up his hair style )

Suga:- ahh mom!! What's wrong?? I am all dressed up now.. Why did you do that??

Suga's mom:- becoz your still in your phone... It's not like you have a girlfriend or boyfriend who is texting you 24/7 .. Right?? ... Now eat your breakfast and get going to school and dont you dare mess anything at your new school like you did in your previous one ...understood??!!!!!

(Suga and his mother's relationship was more like best friends... They always fight with each other like best friends do... But suga was a very reserved .... He doesn't like hanging out.... And now that they shifted to this new place he doesn't have any friends... So all he have is only his mom! )

(Though suga doesn't like to have breakfast.. He was forced by his mom to have his breakfast... When he said he doesn't want to have...his mom stuffed all the food in his mouth and sent him out of the house wishing him a great day 😆)

(Suga sighed and started walking to the bus stop... The school was not  very far and not close enough  from sugas house. .. He had to cross two stops to arrive at school.... As he was new to this place.. He was prepared with all the things... He had his transportation card, a umbrella, some money, and some extra things.....)

(Finally his bus arrived... As he was about to climb he bumped into a boy who was wearing a pastel blue hoodie with white jeans ..... He looked like a small 🐥  .. As suga hurt his leg ,he looked up angrily to snap at that boy.. But paused for a second to see no one was there.... The bus driver honked three times.  Yoongi snapped out of his confusion and climbed the bus...he took the last corner window seat and the seat next to him was vacant.. Becoz he was going to school early)

Suga:- huhh *sigh* .. What made my mom think that i am late to school when the people might be just getting ready to go to school... *Again sigh* And people here don't even apologize for bumping into someone... Ugh! I hate it alreadyyy!

(Suga put his earphones on and started listening to song to avoid having a conversation with any stranger... Right after 5 mins a boy came and sat beside suga which scared him... Suga cursed under his breath he saw the boy smiling at him ... Suga gave a confused look 🙄)

Jimin:- hi! ( with his smily face)

Suga :- (turned his face to the window and started listening to song again)

Jimin:- (tapping suga's shoulder) hi! ( with his smily face)

Suga:- (removing his earphones )...
Excuse me... Do we know each other??

Jimin:- no we don't ...

Suga:- good ....so please mind your own business and let me mind mine

Jimin:- but I just wanted to say sorry 😟

Suga:- and what for?

Jimin :- because I accidentally bumped into you while climbing the bus... I am sorry once again.

Suga:- ahhh so it was you huh?? Why didn't you apologize then and there?? 🤨

Jimin:- I wanted to save a seat but .... (Cut off by suga's words)

Suga:- Listen! You! whatever your name is!...

Jimin :- jimin!

Suga:- yeah jimin! Don't you know that it's basic manners to say sorry if you made a mistake? And you did not even apologize and ran inside to save a seat?? Like seriously??

Jimin:- wait but... (Again cute off by suga's words)

Suga:- no buts! Next time you bump into someone first apologize to them because next the person who you bump into may not be as kind as I am..

Jimin:- at least listen to me first... (Again jimin was cut off)

Old women:- jimin-ahh...

(This time jimin was cut off by a old woman who was giving jimin a bright and satisfying smile... Jimins face lit up he got up from his seat and immediately went to help her climb the bus)

Old women :- jimin-ahh.... Thankyou for helping me today  again..

(Suga from his seat watching everything assuming that it was Jimin's grandmother)

Jimin:- no problem halmeoni

(halmeoni meaning grandmother )

Old women :- again you saved me a seat didn't you?? Thank you so much jimin-ahh

Jimin:- no problem halmeoni... You have to travel so far.. You will probably hurt your knees ... Be healthy halmeoni

Old women:- yes jimin-ahh.  . . Here I brought you some snacks.. Enjoy them and have a great day! ☺

Jimin:- ommo! These are my favorite! Gham-sa-ham-nida halmeonii!!! I will enjoy these😁

Old women :-Okay go back to your seat near your Friend and have a great day ☺

Jimin:- okay halmeoni bye ! Have a great day too☺

(Jimin came back to the seat beside suga .. And suga who has been observing this from the start did not understand anything because he was not able to hear the convo between the old women and jimin)

Jimin:- hey! I still don't know your name...

Suga:- isn't it obvious that i dont want you to talk to me??

Jimin:- *aishh he is rude af* okay... But let me just say sorry again because it was not something that i did wantedly..and i saved the seat for that halmeoni

Suga:- *looks at him and somehow he starts to feel guilty * ohh... Then you  should have told me before

Jimin:- *sigh* did you give me chance to speak?? 🤨

Suga:- ohh ... That... I... 😑(jimin cuts him off)

Jimin:- forget it! Be careful next time.... Don't snap at someone without listening to them... Because next time the person you snap at may not be kind as me! 😏

(And after saying this jimin walks off)

Suga:- aishh! That jerk! was rude as hell.. He already spoilt my day.. I pray that i should not bump into him never in my life *sigh*

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